Apr 21, 2021 4:25 PM



Hello Dear friends; I hope you are great; this one is a very secretive currency; I like his movements; Check for yourself; These days, due to the unbalanced state of the bitcoin market, there is a lot of inconvenience. For now, I will not specify the target, but do not miss this trigger.
Recap of this week’s AMA(April 21):
-RAMP-BUSD vault is live on Pancakeswap starting today.
-rMint will be launched next week on tuesday starting on BSC first(optimistically Monday)!
-rMint audit reports by Beosin is received and overall result is PASS.
-institutional investors testing rMint and so far no issues in operating the software.
-Explainer video came out below expectations so we probably will redo and post it.
-There will be another burn coming soon, once rMint is live and more fees are collected we will keep buybacks and burns.
-Regarding circulating supply questions please see the message:
-Article regarding team tokens will be released over the next 3 days along with a public wallet address.
-For marketing plans - some should be starting later part of this week or early next. We are also working on TikTok as well but this is a little new and taking some time to touch base with the right guys.
-We will be raising max rUSD cap it after stabilizing the rUSD liquidity pools vs other stablecoins, so hopefully we see more rUSD LPs join the pool. Will be pinging Pancake to launch a farm on this tmr :slight_smile:
-We aim to keep rmint free of interest for as long as possible for RAMP users to have the least friction. Will raise on the other assets first, before raising on the RAMP asset, unless the utilization gets extremely heavy for RAMP.
-We'll spend the next 30-60 days adding more yield assets and growing TVL etc. Governance probably late Q2 / early Q3. Will do a paper update in early May to provide a refreshed roadmap and targeted milestones.
-There'll be an article out for this week regarding Conflux-Okexchain partnership.
-Chnlk partnership will be announced soon, waiting for some stuff to come through the partner’s side;)
-Thanks for your support RAMPers!
@ich1baN, These were interesting points, and of course I am not looking for fundamental reasons; I am a chartist and the chart is enough for me. I hope in the future we will get more profits from this wonderful currency and hear more about it. Thank you.
@ahvazson, sounds good ahva - let's see how the future unfolds
Any price discovery pointers...?
@EIIR, In this area, powerful groups were gathering
thank you