Prediction line and reason for SCHD's long-term to medium-term

First, when looking at all charts, let's consider them as a "Momi Ai" market... Even if the previous candles indicate a clear trend, consider that it might enter a Momi Ai phase in the future.

When you see someone talking about their current evaluation yield or realized yield, and you just think, "Wow, that's impressive," consider yourself a fool. You must check the period over which that evaluation yield or realized yield is assessed. Whether it's a few days, months, or years... And then you should convert it objectively into an annual yield, record it, compare it, and make a judgment afterward.

Similarly, terms like bull market, bear market, trend market, or Momi Ai market are only valid after defining a period. This is the time theory emphasized by Ichimoku Sanjin.

So, when thinking about the above chart as an example... My ability to see long periods is still lacking, unlike Hosoda Tesei, who could see periods of several hundred days. For now, let's lightly look at the candles within the blue box, which create the leading span 2 over the past 52 days. It has come down as much as it rose in an S-wave form. To become the Momi Ai I emphasize, it should lightly pass through the leading span 2 in the form of number 1, go near the previous high, and then come down. You can draw a predictive line in this form. If it's a Momi Ai release from a long-term perspective, and it rebounds using leading span 2 as a stepping stone in the form of number 3, it can be seen as a moment of opportunity for betting.

Conversely, if it turns into a downtrend from the current candle position... If you predict a Momi Ai down release, it will use the current point as a stepping stone to turn downward.

Mid-term: Let's look at the yellow box for the mid-term. This time, the baseline should be the center, but the central value passing through the yellow box, other than the recently formed baseline, is not indicated. But let's consider it as a Momi Ai for now. Extend the recently formed baseline to the past 26 days, set it near the central value, and after a decline, if it doesn't rise as much as it fell, and declines again near the center, it has formed a typical Momi Ai shape in a downward-biased Momi Ai. To become a Momi Ai again, it needs to show adjustments for a few days and approach the baseline. Then it will fall as much as it rose after leaving the baseline. Even if it tries to rise using the baseline as a stepping stone, after a period adjustment, the leading span 1 above is blocking it, and there is a resistance zone, so it may probabilistically fall again. You can predict pattern number 2.

Short-term: Now let's look at the green box that creates the conversion line. It's almost a one-way upward i-wave with slight resistance. To become a short-term Momi Ai, it should be pushed to the conversion line after receiving resistance at the cloud intersection point... But if you limit it to the short-term period, you can dream of a three-wave pattern accompanied by a period if it creates a suitable second wave after making the first wave in 6 days. Check if it accompanies the price and expect a short-term moment of opportunity. There is also a high possibility of being pushed back to the baseline. However, as mentioned above, if it is pushed back to the baseline, it will meet cloud resistance, and that position may be at a lower price level than the current position. If it is pushed back to the baseline, it may fall further, leave the baseline, and wait until it comes down to the previous low of the mid-term, and expect a mid-term Momi Ai near that area. Buying near that area may be probabilistically better.

Chikou Span: I used the indicator that creates Ichimoku's 9-week candle as a 9-day candle, and applied the original content that the trend of the gap between the Chikou Span and the solid line is more important, and converted it to a 26-day candle. In the lower indicator of the picture, you can see the gap between the Chikou Span and the solid line at a glance. The deficit area over the past 28 days is well-formed in a rugby ball shape, and it seems like a favorable turn of the Chikou Span is about to occur. Even if the solid line just moves sideways, it will turn into a bullish candle. So, another sign is created.

Three-wave: If the three-wave accompanied by time adjustment and price adjustment in number 4 above can break through the resistance zone and rise, it is the most ideal form and can be the strongest and most profitable pattern.

Today's Purchase: So, I made a purchase today.
