Aug 14, 2020 5:49 PM

WTF??? Long



Has anyone familiar with RSI and RVI seen this happen before? Used this system for years now, seems like Metals gouging to me.
Nothing new here, Goldman is happy to pay a 10 million dollar fine on a 100 million is profits. This is not so much a crime as it is Job Security for the SEC.

The Revolving doors from Industry insider to industry regulator is just the way a corrupt empire ends. Like I said, Nothing New Here.

Take look back to the Roman Empire, the Dutch Empire, the Spanish, the French, the British Empire, etc.

Same Sh!t, Different Century.
Apparently you are new to the metals market, it is probably the most manipulated on the planet, or at least it was until the PPT started to buy stocks.
@Stone881, I did when I got in, but this bad? It's a flat out crime, right in your face!
@Joshuakm, Only 3 billion ounces of paper silver dumped on the Crimex in a market that produces 800 million odd per year. Criminal you say? nah
lol the US has been selling Gold and like 50 years ago they been selling duplicate Gold and now it has come to the point of selling photocopies of Gold.. Silver since it is used in US industries are heavily manipulated because the taxes subsidies the cost of manipulation to suppress prices. Only when JPM took over the huge short position from bear sterns they closed it out but started their own manipulation instead.. Why do you think they run a Gold ETF and Silver ETF?