Feb 10, 2021 9:35 PM

More SNDL Long



Boy am I glad I held.
This bad boy looks like it turned two resistances into supports.
Top line from early first peak in this bull cycle, bottom from first peak in Aug when we turned bullish.
I'm holding until third touch of an ath line it doesn't break.
Floor is now higher than my initial sell point, so no lose scenario.
Just getting started.


Well we didn't jump two channels like I thought, but I'll take one.
I've cleaned it up, and I'm about to post revised channel lines.
Just wanted to close this out.
I’m in at a buck and I’m not letting go till this bad boy hits 20. Let it grow like the plant it makes 😂 🚀
Man I sold all my SNDL after Robinhood screwed me over on my options positions, selling me out for a loss before they expired without my permission. By the time I got approval on another exchange this thing was already double so I held out. Now we are here... I held this stock for 2 years while it trended downward just to sell it literally the day before it finally switched directions. Unbelievable and incredibly discouraging, especially for a poor boy like me.

Good luck everybody who is in SNDL, wish I was with you. Not buying back in now when I had it at .60....
@JD-Brunner, bro. That's a bummer. People saying 10+ doe. Js
@JD-Brunner bro you won’t get rich but a few dollars is still gains. Don’t be discouraged over your game plan. Keep yah head up !! 🚀
i only have 100 shares at 80c :(