Dec 16, 2014 2:02 PM

SPX/CL1!, something just gotta give 



Interesting ratio
Sound like something is gotta give but which one, SPX or Oil
you know how to figure out
you are right Yaka,
the ratio is trying to reach the second higher purple line
Thx. From the graph you are showing it seems the 99 extreme could be much higher though... It could go more extreme then no?
when momentum is at its maximum, (be it bulls or bears), it is natural to wish to make another quantum leap, don ya think so :-)

the possibility is there, no spike rejection observed yet
well here both sp500 and crude could converge easily by 30% in 4 weeks. a bit here and a bit there and you are done.
excellent math! btw i am very damn stupid when it comes to differentiation and integration
i only know + - / x
Keep it simple:)
Now the complicated stuff: you work in a bank perhaps you can explain better
i am not pro here so i cant post a one min chart of VIX

For 15 Dec - Monday only-take a look

From the opening bell the market started falling and by 11 AM C.S.T. the S&P had sliced through all the key support levels that it had closed at Friday afternoon. The market was moments from a freefall when the Fed turned on what is obviously a brand new algorithm buying program that made the intraday VIX (volatility index) meter shake in four-point spikes every few minutes the rest of the day. Big sell orders continued coming through causing the VIX to spike repeatedly but the Fed's program bought the sell orders relentlessly pulling the VIX back down as fast as it went up

I am wondering who beside Fed has the GUT to buy, and if they are able to buy, it means more upside coming right?