Jan 29, 2018 10:22 PM

SPX - S&P 500 hitting resistance here 

S&P 500SP


It was only about 6 months ago I guess and my news feed was buzzing with "the big crash is imminent" stories... not so much anymore... whatever happened to those guys? FOMO I guess...

I think we could hit some resistance here though, I mean it has had quite a good run. Not the top yet though in my opinion but this area is usually good for a decent pullback and it could end up being quite a shaker!

I'll be watching for those guys again on my feed... you know, the "told you so" guys who will once again have eggy chins... lol...


This Canadian index below is full of precious metals, like gold -0.01% and silver -0.58% miners, cannabis stocks and commodities based stocks. It has been consolidating for quite some time as you can see... Looks to be breaking out now. Could be a good idea to find some decent picks in this index to go long over the next year or two.

bang on, not the top yet, sentiment is nowhere near bullish enough for the bull market to stop, yet....i'll be listening out for bar bores and taxi drivers to give me tips, 2 or more usually predicts the top give or take 10% or so, have fun, 6-9 months to go I think, june-sep options should ensure you don't get shaken out by the scary dips along the way
@marberisking, thanks for the comment!