May 1, 2020 9:52 AM

SPX 500 - Gann Chart and Cycles 

S&P 500SP


I believe that nature comes and goes in ratio, as waves push and pull and expanding or contracting phases and interact. Beyond the chaos there is a process of multiplication, duplication that happens through doubling and halving.
Now Gann the real master is all about that and reflected in his angles (0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1) where price and time create a vector and these angles tell how the trend changes over time.

How to use it? I only know how to put it on the chart but the story of what it means can only be told in the future.
I follow this idea to see how it plays out in few years.
@Ringding58, Awesome same for me! :)
@Ringding58, What do you think will happen? And how soon.
@TheTrex, in a free market we would go down pretty fast, but as it looks for now that wont happen. With all the printing and trump lying everyday for the markets, we could see that the markets stay on float for quite a while.
@Ringding58, Personally we don't enter a real bear market while we stay above the tick yellow trend line.
@TheTrex, thats true, all depends if the market has a really step decline short term again. long term its unrealistic to cross this trend line.