Jul 17, 2020 10:57 PM

[SPX] 3264 Max Peak on Monday Before Crash... GL ALL! Short

S&P 500SP


Very unlikely it'll break above the 5 year trend (purple line).

Bottom drops out under green line.

Price resting right on support line, Monday is decision time. Loads of data aligning for then.

UVXY and FAZ looking ripe.

Take some time to sharpen your scythes this weekend to prepare for the coming harvest!


Closing in on max peak prediction!
when everybody has a bear bias , this will go higher .

today bears are more realistic fundamental ( and not pessimistic) , wall street is not working as supposed to do ( anticipating main street ) thanks to the FED and easy money
@SammyHas, Agreed ^..^
Well of course Monday is an up day. Congress returns to talk stimulus and make everyone forget all the bad stuff. How nice of Congress to send us back our own tax dollars and spend many millions discussing it. Fantastic use of our money before we get it back.
I've been sharpening! Ready for the cut!!
@farmerisland, #farmerlife
Okay BUT and a big but— uvxy/VIX got obliterated today. Way worse than any volatility in the market could have suggested (there was like; none) and lost all support and 200MA. I mean I guess you could argue that’s as killer and creative a bull trap you can get but I’d argue it’s not primed at all for picking. Thoughts?
@horacejunior, Just type VIX in that search bar and you can get a the general vibe from dozens of interesting angles B).

Seems the community here is pretty bullish on VIX. Obliterated seems excessive.

Here's a couple of my favs:

@horacejunior, And this of course...

@ProfitHarvest, love glitch420. Their stuff is wild. I just meant obliterated in that there was no outsized moves up. Normally you’d see that in a heavy buying day
@horacejunior, yeah so same... @ProfitHarvest what are your thoughts on WHY UVXY/VIX dropped so much though? I mean our candle was tiny. Hardly an Up day, and hardly "actually" volatile. Especially compared to a couple recent days with more volatility but less VIX movement... I'm definitely in the "locked and loaded" camp, but it was just curious to me.