May 15, 2020 6:18 PM

FIB Circle Analysis for timing of Crash Short

S&P 500 IndexTVC


So here is another analysis to time the inception of another crash if we look closely the market started to fall in march when hey resided inside the blue circle of 1.618 they kept falling until they reached to the center of the circle or at 0 Diameter. now look closely when they started to rise there has been a short chnge in trend whenever the market exited an inner circle to enter in another concentric circle and now we are again in the 1.618 as soon as the market leaves this circle we can say the market will be 'un-stabilised' and another crash will occur so now its just a matter of days.
No fed banks and no Negative Interest rates can save the collapse of economy, which i know is sad but we have to embrace the truth also the ones debating over V-Shaped recovery should know that it would have been possible only if there was huge delivery of volumes after first bottom was made and people would have started to invest enough for recovery but now sadly all hope is gone.TVC:SPX
Love this, will follow to see how this will play out.
can you explain a bit more, i don't understand?
I agree this market should go down, and a "V-Shaped" recovery is almost insulting considering how global GDP is in dire straits, etc. but can you elaborate on how/why the market will be unstabilized simply for reaching another outside circle?
@Money2020_ET, well in order to understand it nicely you should have some knowledge about the concept of Fibonacci Numbers and Golden Ratio.
Check out my analysis of NIFTY this is how nature works not just markets, Fibonacci Numbers are a way to Express the patterns in nature