Aug 17, 2019 9:33 PM

SPX looks relatively healthy 

S&P 500SP


SPX was trading at the top of bollinger band, but went down a bit which is healthy. This does NOT mean it's bearish.

MacD looks to cross onto the buy-side and RSI has room to go to oversold.

People cash out at highs and move their money to bonds to preserve profits. Since cashing out 401ks is forbidden/expensive, they just move it to bonds.

However, equities have topped, and it can only go down, but not too sure if it's a bear market yet.

Maybe we''re in the Denial phase of an asset bubble, who knows.

We'll have to look at the jobs report and the CCI for the next few months to get an accurate prediction, but I don't see any bearish action yet.

Not financial advice, DYOR.
