SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 2-3-25 : Breakaway Pattern

On a day like today, where the markets broke down with a huge GAP downward, what can I say except...

Just like I predicted.

For months I've been warning of the Jan 21-23 Inauguration peak/top that will lead to a Deep-V breakdown on Feb 9-12. And, like clockwork, the markets peaked just after January 23 and rolled downward into the breakdown phase - headed towards my Deep-V base/bottom setup near Feb 9-12.

At this point, I'm just going to sit back and collect my profits. You should be doing the same thing today - BOOK those profits.

Gold and Silver are moving into an upward CRUSH pattern. It could be very explosive.

Bitcoin has broken downward again - just like I predicted.

Over the next 30+ days, the markets will enter a very volatile and rotating price phase. Be prepared for wild price rotations.

This is a true trader's market. Go get some.

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