Sep 3, 2020 6:57 AM

SXP/USD +470% Fibonacci Hopium Long

Solar / TetherKuCoin


Over the next couple of months I am looking for SXP/USD to grind its way up to the 3.618 fib retrace of this current 60% correction. This is based purely on it looking to have very similar macro price structure to what LRC/USD had on approximately June 29 of this year. Compare the two!

This would have SXP priced at approximately $10 for a gain of about +470%.

Lettuce pray for this meme.

Happy trading :)


Correction: If SXP is able to reach the 3.618 fib, it would actually have a price target of approximately $12, not 10.

Lettuce pray for this meme.

Happy trading :)

Order cancelled

Jumped the gun trying to time the bottom on this idea. I think SXP goes back to its all time high and much higher over time. Whether this is now the bottom or not I'm not sure, but i will post another chart when I feel it is starting to move back up.

Lettuce pray for this meme.

Happy trading :)
You are now known as a scammer in my crypto group which is 100,000 strong they told me about you and now your known as a scammer get the fuck off trading view
@joeystewart91, Dear Joey. Oh dear, I am sorry to hear this. I admit this idea was off, I have definitely jumped the gun on SXP haven't I! Oops. Oh no, I do not scam. I am simply sharing my ideas on trading view for my friends and family, I sincerely hope you have not lost money on SXP due to poor risk management :p I would appreciate it if I could please continue to use trading view, as I find it useful for charting out trading ideas :) Kind regards.
@magelord575 thank you for your response I had like 300 People send me this I respect your response and will tell me people to start using stop loss I am not invested in sxp but the people I know that are need to be smarter
Stop misleading people your chart is bull shit
@joeystewart91, Hi again Joey. I do hope you find the support you are so desperately looking for.

Lettuce pray for this meme.

Happy trading :)