Jan 4, 2018 9:46 AM

$TRST WeTrust / Trustcoin HUGE 100x growth to come Long


WeTrust is possible the most underrated opportunity out there today. It's a lending platform that competes with SALT which itself peaked at nearly a $1 billion market cap when the market size of crypto was much lower than it is today. At currently under a 100 million marketcap TRST is a long way to grow. SALT has since been dwindling and WeTrust has had strong growth in the last week.

Also it's one of 2 (as far as I know) cryptos outside of Ethereum in which VItalik has a board seat (OmiseGO being the other one). He has said repeatedly that he will not be advising other cryptos, making his presence on WeTrust stand out more. His WeTrust involvement hasn't received nearly as much attention as his OmiseGo involvement, but given the massive recent growth, that should change soon.

Buy buy buy buy!!

To the moon, Alice!


Going well