Jan 7, 2021 3:03 PM

Bitcoin vs Tesla Long

Tesla, Inc.NASDAQ


#Bitcoin is on cruise mode now so dont bother to guess the TOP

Short Sellers tried to do that in TSLA & failed

Check the comparison of TSLA price action vs BTC as they both have a similar price action history

#Bitcoin continues to be a BUY on any pullback
And both are getting pumped by the same people who think that economy consists of only one thing - money printing. Hope this won't end in tragedy too soon.
@moskumer3, The thing is the stock market isn't THE economy. It is only part of it and also the Share price isn't the underlying value of a company.

Just look at all ratios of real numbers to share prices since 2000 not just in the last years and for all companies. The % gap gets bigger and bigger for every company. It isn't just Tesla, Tesla is just the extreme example.

There is more and more money in the markets (insane increase in 2020) and it goes everywhere not just tesla and Bitcoin.

Call it asset inflation or whatever but it is happening.
We don't have CPI inflation but at the top, not just the stock market there is massive price growth everywhere.
@RichToko, theyve been doing QE since 2008 and we've had historically low inflation...price growth is more due to supply chains.

Look at the lending data...that's the only way money is created...banks need to lend it. They aren't lending right now. Credit card growth is down...

Before March crash "valuations didn't matter"...then they did. Just remember that.