Apr 2, 2022 6:35 PM

All the Treasury Yields Together (2002 - Present) 

United States 1 Month Government Bonds YieldTVC


US10Y - US02Y , "Ten minus two" yield curve is what everyone talks about but I think if you look at all the yields together it's a much clearer story.
Only have data going back to 2002 :(
Light Gray Areas Indicate Recessions

PS there are a few uncommonly used government yields that I've hidden to make the graph easier to read. You can unhide them if you want.
some of the tenors have not been continuously issued by the Treasury, so I think that's what's stopping your lookback on the yields... I'm seeing far greater history on tsy's....

The 2's10's isn't a "yield curve" it's just a spread. another important one closely watched, not as often talked about is the 10Yr-3Month (just fyi)

I wish one could produce yield curves as a chart (non-time series) within Trading View.