Mar 5, 2023 9:30 PM

Top Tips For Beginner Traders Education

US Dollar / Japanese YenEightcap


Trading can be a lucrative and exciting venture, but it can also be overwhelming and risky for new traders. Whether you are interested in stocks, forex, or other markets, there are some important tips to keep in mind as you begin your journey as a trader. Let's outline some of the top tips for new traders.

Start with a solid education
The first step to becoming a successful trader is to gain a solid education on the markets you are interested in trading. This can involve reading books, taking courses, attending seminars, and researching online. By understanding the fundamentals of trading, you can avoid many common mistakes and develop a strong foundation for your trading career.

Develop a trading plan
Before making any trades, it is essential to develop a trading plan that outlines your strategy, risk management approach, and goals. Your plan should also include details such as the types of trades you will make, the timeframes you will trade on, and the tools and indicators you will use to analyze the markets.

Practice with a demo account
Many brokers offer demo accounts that allow you to practice trading without risking real money. This is a valuable way to test out your trading strategies and get a feel for the markets before committing to real trades. Practice trading on a demo account until you feel comfortable with your approach and have a solid understanding of the markets.

What I love about Trading view is that you can demo trade without a broker. You can save the headache of having to find a broker later in your trading journey when you're ready to trade live.

Manage your risk
One of the most important aspects of successful trading is managing your risk. This involves setting stop-loss orders to limit your losses and using proper position sizing to ensure that you do not risk more than you can afford to lose. Never trade with money that you cannot afford to lose, and always be mindful of the risks involved in each trade.

Think of each trade as it's own idea that gets a portion of your capital. That makes it easier to trade in size instead of betting everything in 1 or 2 trades.

Keep a trading journal
Keeping a trading journal is a great way to track your progress and identify areas for improvement. Record your trades, the reasons behind them, and the outcomes. Analyze your trades regularly to identify patterns, mistakes, and successes, and adjust your trading plan accordingly.

Your journal will differ from other trader's journal so be mindful you're keeping dated records of everything you do.

Be patient and disciplined
Successful trading requires patience and discipline. Avoid the temptation to make impulsive trades based on emotions or rumors, and stick to your trading plan. Remember that trading is a long-term endeavor, and focus on making consistent gains over time rather than trying to get rich quick.

If you add stress to your journey, the road to being a profitable trader will not be enjoyable. Being patient and disciplined can reserve your mental and physical capacity as a trader.

Stay informed
Finally, it is important to stay informed about the markets you are trading in. I'm big on not following every trader's advice or suggestions because then, you'll trade their journey. While their journey may be great yours could suffer if they decide to stop trading and you can't hold your own.

To get the best results, stay up to date with current price movement. If you are a fundamental trader, stay up to date on what economical data is moving the market. be sure you understand what you do for yourself and not based on what others have to say about the market.

In conclusion, trading can be a rewarding and profitable venture, but it requires dedication, discipline, and a solid education. By following these top tips for new traders, you can avoid many common mistakes and develop a strong foundation for your trading career. Remember to stay patient, manage your risk, and stay informed, and you will be on your way to success in the world of trading.

I'll be live-streaming here on Trading view tomorrow at 1:00 pm EST. to give more tips to help the beginner trader.

I hope to see you there and I hope you enjoyed these tips.
my trading plan i always feel like it should be rooted inside my head like a part of me, this is how i feel with these aspects that makes a good a trader. my plan are written down but i don't always go back to check it b4 placing a trade but i update it if i have to when required. i think that why i don't go back to my jornals, so shaquan have you had such feelings or experience and what better ways to improve at it ?
@obo1137, my trading plan is well documented. I don’t look at each week but I do tweak it once or twice a year. Lately I’ve been adding to it like crazy and it’s been feeling good to add my beliefs, goals, objectives, and different trading styles.

In the beginning of my career, there was a time I didn’t keep a plan or journal. Now, it’s a must.
@ShaquanLopez, like you said now it's a must to keep your journal how about to read them, what makes yu go back to read them
keeping jornal has beeen has been my biggest problem, i write but don't know how to go back and read . letme say i don't know how to keep jornals is there a better way to do that
@obo1137, a journal is so personal and different per trader. Some use excel spreadsheets, some use Google or Microsoft documents, and some write. Me personally, I write what I’m thinking on my charts then take pictures of my trades and save them on my computer. I also remember every trade I’ve taken so it’s easy for me to commit it to memory. Just think about what makes it easy for you? Journaling is just a way to keep a track of your thoughts and past trades in case you need to go back to them.
@obo1137, Same story ;p
Cool graphic :)