usdpln is bearish

USDPLN is an exotic currency pair that consists of the US dollar and the Polish zloty. This trading instrument is attractive mainly for traders and investors from Poland. Besides high volatility, the pair’s movement is hard to predict. When performing fundamental analysis of the movement of USDPLN quotes, one should pay attention to important political events in Europe and, in particular, in Poland, as well as monitor changes in the two countries’ main macroeconomic indicators. In the Polish economy, international trade and services occupy the first place, while the second place is given to the mining, manufacturing, and shipbuilding industries. The country’s exports go to Russia, Germany, and Great Britain. The US economy is more developed than the Polish one and is focused on the service sector and trade. The USDPLN pair reaches the peak of activity in the European sessional period - during the operation time of the exchanges located in Poland.
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