Mar 15, 2021 8:16 PM




Some catalysts may come for a spike. Watching price action.
just long at the support
you want the immanent catalysts, it's Powell which markets priced in imo a 50/50 on dovish rhetoric so when he does go full-nonchalant savant he will shake things up. The VIX itself will spring up if powell so much as passes gas outside the expected rhetoric tone and verbiage. In my humble opinion, once this kicks off it will trigger other catalysts because as the markets correct media will catch up to stay relevant and start band aiding stories to match why the moves (moves that are already priced into the charts, media just matches shit up), I think tech will continue being volatile with topics related too "are we in another tech bubble" there will be all kinds of sub-catalysts i'll call them. but the biggest catalyst over short term i think will be rates and indirectly it will be the Dollar (driven by rates) over intermediate long term. If we enter a recessionary environment triggered by a dovish and bullish rate environment (we need a correction and recessions are unavoidable, like running into your ex GF when she lives next door), i'm confident the fed will scramble to lower rates, that are lower during market peaks than ever in the past (with 24 trillion soon to near 30 trillion on the debt clock)..with that said, if they lower rates in the future and push us near or below zero into a disinflation japan style environment, this could trigger not only a dollar devaluation during a market fall (dangerous), but impotency of monetary policy, net imports won't help even though they will increase because that's a sliver of GDP, consumption will throttle back and it could very well lead to a dollar crash. Don't think the USD/JPY pair can hit parity? think again! you don't know what you don't know, history is a guide but it's not a crystal ball.
@candlestickninja, PS not an economist but I did got to Econ 101 in college when i wasn't hungover...I was always hungover