
US Equity Market 2023 Prediction

Options360 Updated   
AMEX:VTI   Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF
Please, for the love of goodness, do not trade based on this analysis. This is only the median trajectory angle of the entire US Equity Market the past 13 years. I put trendlines separated equally apart according to this angle. Also, the year dated text on top represents the total market capitalization at that year's end & the corresponding GDP numbers are below. Plus, I noted the total Quantitative Easing ($8,770,000,000,000) + Stimulus ($4,500,000,000,000) since 3/15/2020 to date.

Do your own due diligence, your risk is 100% your responsibility. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only. You win some or you learn some. Consider being charitable with some of your profit to help humankind. Good luck and happy trading friends...

*3x lucky 7s of trading*

7pt Trading compass:
Price action, entry/exit
Volume average/direction
Trend, patterns, momentum
Newsworthy current events
Balance sheet

7 Common mistakes:
+5% portfolio trades, capital risk management
Beware of analyst's motives
Emotions & Opinions
FOMO : bad timing, the market is ruthless, be shrewd
Lack of planning & discipline
Forgetting restraint
Obdurate repetitive errors, no adaptation

7 Important tools:
Trading View app!, Brokerage UI
Accurate indicators & settings
Wide screen monitor/s
Trading log (pencil & graph paper)
Big, organized desk
Reading books, playing chess
Sorted watch-list

Checkout my indicators:
Fibonacci VIP - volume
Fibonacci MA7 - price
pi RSI - trend momentum
TTC - trend channel
AlertiT - notification
tickerTracker - MFI Oscillator
Quantitative Easing:
Bonds & Mortgage backed securities

Stimulus breakdown:
Covid-19 relief package =
36% Small businesses
32% Individuals
9% Schools
8% Other
7.5% Healthcare
5% Transportation
2.5% Other

$2T Cares Act =
30% Individuals
25% Large Corporations
19% Small businesses
17% State & local governments
9% Public Services

$1.9TAmerican Rescue plan =
25% individuals
19% State & local
19% Unemployment
14% Other
9% Education
8% Vacination
6% Children
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