Jul 13, 2017 12:02 PM

vxx pattern Long

iPath Series B S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETNArca


Ok, so, the vix is an index, indicator of trade sentiment, not a physical thing. Then, should we consider using the same indicators and judge patterns the same as a stock? Good question. My answer is, sort of. It is like using a particular word, for lack of a better one. RSI is old, it is wise, it is consistent, it can be trusted, sort of. Some say it lags, but there is a truth in it, now. When price is so out of sorts with strength. And divergences abound, and precede price moves or not. For price to really correct, we need SUSTAINED VOLATILITY. Looking, watching for a true double bottom. We almost had one, see chart, but the artificial price inflators took hold yet again, to prop up and pump. Now this time, note the bottom RSI strength, lengthy bullish divergence. This could be the real thing. It could be an unknown news thing, which I have no idea, take your pick, or it could be Friday bank earnings, which since Yellen dovish comments, their outlooks may be sour. Or it just could be that individual investors appear to be rushing money in, finally trusting the market again, and the pros take their money and run. Or the planets may have aligned, again, take your pick, but this correction is so, so overdue, and these pumps, caused mainly by shorters covering, the cycle will finally stop, just when they lessen their percentage of shorts. Like I said, take your pick, while the real pros, with their algos programmed for greed, play everyone else like a fiddle.