Jul 19, 2021 2:36 PM

Don't let them shake you out! Long


WISH is trading at the low end again and you know what that means, yep that's right! Time for me to once again pound the table for this stock. It's undervalued by almost every metric there is, plus they have seen substantial growth since the pandemic began. This company is in much better shape than the day it had IPO but is trading at a nice discount. This is at least a 20$ stock but I see it going higher, especially if the start accepting CryptoCurrency, which is definitely a play they could make.


Forgot to add: Never financial advice! I am poor and you will be too if you listen to me...
At what point would you give up on WISH?
Honestly its undervalued and I know that, this is a value investing play so I am buying shares and selling otm calls