May 18, 2021 4:27 AM

XLM - Elliott Wave VS ARIASWAVE - Common Sense Isn't Common Long

Stellar /


In this video I want to make it clear that you do not want to make foolish comments here.

This channel is about AriasWave which is me because I created it.

If you want to talk about how to make chalk would you go and ask a cheese maker?

I am here to give you my view based on my framework.

Every video builds upon the last video so there is no point asking me to update my count in the comments, just watch the next video.

I won't give regular updates on every coin because my time is limited.

That doesn't mean that I don't provide updates on other markets when I feel it is necessary to do so, because I do.

Until the end of June I am not promoting anything relating to AriasWave because I have to catch-up with demand.

I hope you enjoy the video for what it is.

Everything that is happening in the world today is part of a bigger agenda.

See related ideas below.

I appreciate all of you because you ALL give me the fuel that I need to keep bringing you this content.

If you don't know the long term pattern shouldn't you be doing your research[b/] instead of just following the crowd?

Just remember: I am not a financial advisor, I suggest using this only as a guide. Always do your own research.

I have a name and it’s Michael and I’m from New York. You want to call me a troll that’s fine. If anyone is rude it’s you. You’ve only mentioned me in a negative manner in your last 3-4 videos without saying my name, so I’m responding. That’s not trolling. If my comments rubbed you the wrong way than don’t make videos. It’s not every day I see someone calling for $55 on a .65 crypto asset that I’m invested in. I haven’t posted because I’m too busy trading and watching my wealth. Real shit. I don’t post to get followers nor do I need them. I help people for free and I have another profile. If anyone’s attitude is crappy, it’s you. I don’t need to know Arias wave to have a grip on XLM’s analysis. Your painting fairytales for people who don’t know much when they look at a chart or are new to investing and your charging them for your content and that’s crappy. You don’t even know how crypto works. Your new to the game and missed the boat my friend. Your banking on cheap assets because you missed the Bitcoin and ethereum boat, among others. I will post an updated analysis comparing your bullshit to mine and back up my claims. I was being friendly until you started rebelling in your videos calling anyone who’s not a paid member of your community a troll and Lol an old man with his fist in the air. I lost it on that one. The people that actually make money in this game, don’t feel the need to have a channel. We are quiet, humble. I’m sorry , but seeing your claims made me watch your videos old and new because of how ridiculous the claims are. I will go away like you asked and maybe think about starting my own channel and everything will be free. Also, your using Elliot and you don’t even realize it. Stop taking corrective criticism to heart. No one is right all the time, not even me.
@mfibbs hey man, i am not saying xlm will go to 55 dollars. but as per even basic chart analysis, xlm seems positive to me and it is going to rise in the short term. i am not saying 55 dollars.
@kingpannu, Yes it will rise eventually and $1.21-$1.86 are the realistic target tops. The money is made on the swings as we get there. I will post a few charts later with scenarios when the markets close
@mfibbs, the only thing he wants is sycophant butt kissers. He’s pretty clear on that point. Worship me or go away. He makes lots of veiled threats on an anonymous forum which in itself is entertaining.
@mfibbs his name is Michael too. So get along lol
i ride the Aryan Wave
@hoerbinator, Thank you for your support.
No more new posts, no more brain washing right..
Because u sold.. u did what u need to do, u try to hype to get better price.

now u stop posting because u sold.. right?
i hope u guys not lose all u moneys because this guy BS bullish hype charts.
Good job! I love your analysis! Keep posting! I'm with Arias waves :D