Aug 27, 2019 6:07 PM

Stellar, not Ripple, to be Global Coin? Long

Stellar / US DollarBinance


I do not really trade cryptos but have some for a longer play speculation. On my work and ideas, I have outlined the macro environment we are heading towards and why Government Digital money is coming. The next crisis will lead to a freeze. People will demand access to their money, and government will kill cash introducing digital currency with the excuse that bank runs will occur if bail outs with cash happen.

Now all money can be tracked and taxed...this will be especially for small business. Of course, digital money will be needed for MMT and Universal Income as the socialist economists know that giving people more money without any production increases just leads to nothing. To handle inflation, government will act as the central bank by killing excess supply of money through heavy taxation.

I have spoken on how Ripple could be used to 'bail out' banks and bring forth digital currency. The next crisis will see banks AND governments needing bail outs. All the IMF and WB would have to do is to use a digital money, give it some value (100 or 1000 per token/coin) then send it to the banks and you have instant liquidity. Ripple also sort of meets a criteria of fiat because any number of it can be made and brought into existence. Many people think Ripple will be this coin due to the deals with the banks. However, you need to remember it really is about xRapid. These banks can very well have their own coin/token to use on xRapid. If they do not, then yes, just take Ripple and rename it perhaps IMF coin or Global coin etc.

However, you need to think as the elites. I believe the elites know many already hold a lot of Ripple. They do not want to make people rich. This could be a red herring...

Recently, a lot of talk about Stellar has been raised. Stellar I believe is similar to Ripple, with the creator being someone who left the Ripple team. Essentially being a decentralized version of Ripple.

So what a lot of people are talking about is the fact that the letters X-L-M have been seen on the cover of recent Economist magazines. The Economist magazine having the reputation of being the globalist publication. I am not saying this is a reason to buy Stellar, but I find it interesting for one further reason.

I attend the Vancouver Resources Investment Conference here in Vancouver. A few years back, I spoke with Author and Market Analyst Jim Rickards. I found out that my suspicions of cryptos are similar to his. You can call him an elite if you would like...he has spoken at Davos and Bilderberg. I gave him my thoughts on Ripple vs Stellar... And he essentially confirmed that Stellar is the coin that you would want to hold. So I just find this interesting.

The chart is showing a double bottom which indicates that the down trend may be losing exhaustion. Again, I have said this many times, but the alt coins really need regulation for them to take off. Once regulations are implemented, big funds will enter the crypto market. Right now Bitcoin, and also Litecoin, are great for transferring large amounts of money as an intermediary. I have spoken about this and China.

I am big on precious metals due to the CONFIDENCE CRISIS that is coming. However, with the death of fiat that is coming, cryptos may be worth the speculation and I do hold some. Countries do not want to handle their debt problems...they will inflate to give the illusion of a wealth effect. It will take more weaker currency units to buy things, but real estate and stocks may rise giving this wealth illusion. Purchasing power will stay the same. You can already see central banks attempting to KILL their currencies by devaluing by cutting interest rates. It is a race to the bottom and central banks will be cutting more quicker to get there.
share your idea, wondering how much downside is expected, so much blood on alt/btc wise ratio
@AboveDuality, Hey thanks for the comment! I have said in previous posts that alt coins are speculations not investments. Bitcoin (and Litecoin) can act as an intermediary for large amounts of money and this is where Chinese money goes (even the CCP elites whenever there is a Yuan devaluation).

For alts, there needs to be regulations. A lot of the buyers in the previous bull market are under water. If prices go up, they will likely sell for break even just to get out. So Alt market needs to attract a lot more buyers.
In terms of regulations, that is when big funds and institutions will jump in. Yes, independent funds and wealth can jump in now, but funds would not due to no depositor insurance. These crypto exchnages are not regulated which means if alt and bitcoin prices sky rocket and people try to take profits, they most likely will not have the money to pay everyone out. As an institutional trader, you cannot enter a market like this knowing these issues lol.

So yes regulations will be positive for the alt coins and cryptos in general...however it will test the hardcore crypto enthusiasts. Crypto was supposed to be decentralized and a way to combat the banking/economic structure. Regulations would mean the opposite of that.
@Uncharted-FX, you just opened it the way it is, during those liquid times, while huge economcis clash and world dominance flips, only Chinese and Usa top coins will survive... let the power flow through us to keep our heads up during that hardcore test * Anyways its crystal clear that theres nothing decentralized in crypto, all coins aint decentralized, we gonna have another banking merge instead of combat, or we already having it. Nice point man, keep it lit!
@AboveDuality, Yup! I personally believe crypto's or digital currency is the tool for enslavement.Next crisis will put us on digital money so now government can track and tax all money. You selling on craigslist or ebay, restaurants taking in tips, small business income etc all will be tracked and taxed. Technically we need it for Universal Income or MMT if we take that path. Excess money needs to be removed by the government to prevent inflation which means heavy taxation.
Ripple is “missing” about 38,000 blocks. They were lost. Ripple can therefore never be fully audited. IMO this is a big deal and the future of Ripple is uncertain, no matter how much they push for it.
@i8myapl, Thanks for the info! I did not know about the missing blocks. I will take a look. Ripple still however acts like fiat meaning you can increase (or decrease) the supply at will if required. This is why it can be suited to the bankers.
they both will continue to thrive and coexist...
@oaksacorn, Thanks for the comment! Yes it is possible, the crypto market will be really interesting to follow for students of economics and markets!