Nov 27, 2018 9:02 PM

XLM looks bad, but it's the strongest coin during bear market Long

XLM / DollarBitfinex


Dear traders,

which coin is the strongest? XLM is absolute winner. Verge is nice to buy now if it fully recover.

Crypto X down

Coin Top Now X down

Bitcoin 20100,0000 3822,0000 5,26
XLM 0,9200 0,1400 6,57
Monero 378,0000 56,1200 6,74
Eos 23,0000 2,9500 7,80
XRP 3,2900 0,3550 9,27
ETH 46,0000 4,4900 10,24
BCH 4192,0000 397,0000 10,56
DGB 0,1350 0,0122 11,07
Litecoin 368,0000 30,8600 11,92
Ethereum 1416,0000 108,0000 13,11
Dash 1592,0000 89,00 17,75
Golem 1,5500 0,0780 19,87
Iota 6,3800 0,2670 23,90
Neo 192,0000 7,0500 27,23
Nem 2,1300 0,0740 28,78
Stratis 24,2800 0,6657 36,47
Cardano 1,3800 0,0360 38,33
Qtum 81,0000 1,9100 42,41
Verge 0,3000 0,0057 52,63

Good trading guys,
