Dec 26, 2020 7:56 PM

Stellar - Point of indecision! 

Stellar / TetherUSBinance


Alot of uncertainty around Stellar right now, very difficult time to make any prediction. As volume is low currently, not much movement revolves around XLM which maybe why people are moving funds to BTC. As BTC starts to stagnante, market volume is expected to return with XLM initiating it's first wave up. Given low volume, this maybe an impressive shoot up. Conversely, as market volume dries up and conversion to BTC continues with no slow in BTC growth, XLM will see an extended down turn.

It can be a good point to buy in right now, setting stop limit to protect against a very possible downturn.

Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Looks like you covered both scenarios, Up or down.. you forgot the possibility of staying flat.
@cryptotyro1 seems like market is too indecisive. But now it's forming a downwards wedge. Maybe a turning point coming soon.