Oct 10, 2018 3:21 PM

0x zrx on the radar 

0x Protocol / BitcoinBittrex


A nice setup for a breakout trade forming on
0x Protocol [ZRX - binance, bittrex]
We have an interesting resistence zone from 12000 to 13000 satoshi level.

0x is simillar to exchange tokens like BnB. The price and buying pressure goes along with the bullishness of the altcoin market. That happens because the protocol purpose is to be a peer-to-peer exchange for trading erc20 (ethereum) tokens. It has nice potential for rise and healthy correlation to ETH overall level.


Got a breaking attempted that got mined by btc dump... we need to wait more!
Lets see if that zone develops in a trading range at least


Fractalizing last move...