Most actively traded US stocks in pre-market

US stocks below were the most actively traded in the pre-market. They often show large price movements and potential for gains (or additional risk). Stocks are sorted by pre-market volume, but have other important stats too.
Pre-market Vol
Pre-market Close
Pre-market Chg
Pre-market Chg %
Pre-market Gap %
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
ACONAclarion, Inc.
265.52 M0.0720 USD0.0288 USD+66.67%+17.82%0.0549 USD+27.08%816.62 M2.43 M USD−57.49%
RIMEAlgorhythm Holdings, Inc.
74.4 M0.0378 USD0.0037 USD+10.85%+2.35%0.0378 USD+10.85%286.19 M3.56 M USD+67.86%
EELABPMGC Holdings Inc.
28.49 M3.95 USD1.97 USD+99.49%0.00%3.10 USD+56.57%77.2 M9.53 M USD−73.34%
AALURAllurion Technologies, Inc.
23.9 M16.94 USD13.24 USD+357.84%+92.16%8.69 USD+134.86%70.61 M23.56 M USD−95.14%
SESSES AI Corporation
18.32 M1.25 USD0.15 USD+13.64%+8.18%1.13 USD+2.73%67.49 M407.46 M USD−30.17%
BTAIBioXcel Therapeutics, Inc.
17.86 M0.4022 USD0.0224 USD+5.90%+24.25%0.3400 USD−10.48%30.55 M16.87 M USD−74.75%
SSTBXStarbox Group Holdings Ltd.
17.46 M0.9000 USD0.3899 USD+76.44%+123.49%0.5842 USD+14.53%43.81 M32.35 M USD+307.66%
ATXIAvenue Therapeutics, Inc.
14.17 M2.06 USD0.22 USD+11.96%+3.26%1.89 USD+2.72%19.78 M3.88 M USD−32.42%
BHATBlue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
8.66 M0.0600 USD0.0048 USD+8.70%−3.08%0.0564 USD+2.17%42.31 M13.96 M USD+2.65%
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
8.44 M148.34 USD1.12 USD+0.76%−0.81%142.62 USD−3.12%234.65 M3.49 T USD+134.29%
NVNINvni Group Limited
8.39 M2.17 USD0.68 USD+45.64%+28.19%4.40 USD+195.30%367.83 M146.94 M USD−20.87%
HEPAHepion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
8.2 M0.2140 USD0.0140 USD+7.00%+7.40%0.1906 USD−4.70%37.33 M1.33 M USD−69.11%
OOSTOstin Technology Group Co., Ltd.
6.58 M2.80 USD0.38 USD+15.70%+3.31%2.70 USD+11.57%11.67 M10.29 M USD−18.39%
LITMSnow Lake Resources Ltd.
6.14 M0.96 USD−0.43 USD−30.94%−18.71%1.01 USD−27.34%31.52 M77.18 M USD+157.97%
CNSPCNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
5.83 M0.1040 USD0.0084 USD+8.79%−2.62%0.1058 USD+10.67%30.14 M6.08 M USD+50.23%
TNXPTonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.
5.72 M0.3493 USD0.0218 USD+6.66%+8.82%0.3831 USD+16.98%185.57 M71.6 M USD+91.71%
RGTIRigetti Computing, Inc.
3.28 M13.93 USD0.46 USD+3.41%+1.93%13.20 USD−2.00%213.84 M3.2 B USD+889.71%
CRKNCrown Electrokinetics Corp.
3.27 M0.0954 USD−0.0019 USD−1.95%−1.13%0.1023 USD+5.14%36.87 M23.68 M USD+259.20%
CDTConduit Pharmaceuticals Inc.
2.78 M0.0460 USD−0.0040 USD−8.00%−20.00%0.0452 USD−9.60%25.66 M6.95 M USD−95.74%
GCTKGlucoTrack, Inc.
2.69 M0.0904 USD0.0000 USD0.00%−3.10%0.0975 USD+7.85%35.75 M1.57 M USD−52.08%
QBTSD-Wave Quantum Inc.
2.38 M6.20 USD0.17 USD+2.82%+1.00%6.09 USD+1.00%139.13 M1.89 B USD+928.81%
EYENEyenovia, Inc.
2.04 M0.0558 USD0.0016 USD+2.95%+3.14%0.0571 USD+5.35%30.22 M6.36 M USD−84.85%
SDSTStardust Power Inc.
2.03 M1.30 USD0.07 USD+5.69%+13.82%1.20 USD−2.44%6.45 M57.59 M USD+2.45%
1.91 M4.40 USD0.33 USD+8.11%+4.67%4.30 USD+5.65%23.51 M420.15 M USD
1.71 M1.07 USD−0.10 USD−8.53%+5.13%1.22 USD+4.27%9.39 M16.79 M USD+341.97%
PLUGPlug Power, Inc.
1.7 M2.12 USD0.03 USD+1.44%+1.91%2.08 USD−0.48%76.29 M1.9 B USD+34.15%
SOFISoFi Technologies, Inc.
1.66 M18.17 USD0.14 USD+0.78%+0.83%17.92 USD−0.61%55.22 M19.45 B USD+106.28%
ASSTAsset Entities Inc.
1.65 M1.02 USD−0.04 USD−3.77%+9.43%1.12 USD+5.66%8.33 M12.94 M USD
RRNAZTransCode Therapeutics, Inc.
1.53 M6.49 USD0.99 USD+18.00%−7.27%7.04 USD+28.00%12.68 M4.9 M USD−7.38%
VZVerizon Communications Inc.
1.47 M40.16 USD0.98 USD+2.50%+0.61%39.54 USD+0.92%37.12 M166.45 B USD−2.85%
TVGNTevogen Bio Holdings Inc.
1.42 M1.47 USD0.09 USD+6.52%+8.70%1.35 USD−2.17%7.82 M236.32 M USD+45.45%
TRUGTruGolf Holdings, Inc.
1.37 M0.5201 USD0.0351 USD+7.24%+19.38%0.5600 USD+15.46%8.66 M16.24 M USD−62.30%
KOPNKopin Corporation
1.35 M1.79 USD−0.07 USD−3.76%−2.15%2.03 USD+9.14%24.92 M322.37 M USD−25.19%
PLTRPalantir Technologies Inc.
1.17 M79.10 USD0.12 USD+0.15%−0.03%78.98 USD0.00%77.93 M179.92 B USD+312.18%
FUBOfuboTV Inc.
1.13 M3.91 USD−0.08 USD−2.01%+1.50%4.04 USD+1.25%25.95 M1.37 B USD+93.77%
AAPLApple Inc.
1.11 M224.78 USD1.12 USD+0.50%−0.21%222.78 USD−0.39%54.7 M3.35 T USD+24.15%
ICONIcon Energy Corp.
1.08 M0.5800 USD0.0400 USD+7.41%+9.26%0.5051 USD−6.46%6.69 M
NKLANikola Corporation
1.06 M0.8472 USD0.0022 USD+0.26%+1.11%0.9130 USD+8.05%42.01 M77.12 M USD−86.96%
AADTXAditxt, Inc.
981.29 K0.1116 USD−0.0001 USD−0.09%+1.79%0.1173 USD+5.01%24.23 M1.67 M USD−70.97%
OKLOOklo Inc.
966.76 K39.48 USD0.70 USD+1.81%+2.81%41.82 USD+7.84%36.78 M5.11 B USD+510.31%
CHSNChanson International Holding
939.63 K0.8003 USD−0.0205 USD−2.50%+5.99%0.6525 USD−20.50%12.17 M13.97 M USD+652.85%
PRFXPainReform Ltd.
918.26 K3.61 USD0.42 USD+13.18%+12.54%3.57 USD+11.91%18.5 M3.12 M USD−39.09%
DDWTXDogwood Therapeutics, Inc.
903.86 K17.22 USD3.87 USD+28.99%+11.46%11.40 USD−14.61%8.16 M15.19 M USD−80.89%
HOTHHoth Therapeutics, Inc.
872.82 K1.62 USD0.15 USD+10.20%+4.76%1.36 USD−7.48%5.1 M9.39 M USD+136.38%
TSLATesla, Inc.
839.25 K414.43 USD2.05 USD+0.50%+0.27%406.58 USD−1.41%56.43 M1.31 T USD+84.84%
MARAMARA Holdings, Inc.
827.03 K20.20 USD0.25 USD+1.25%+1.75%19.99 USD+0.20%46.49 M6.78 B USD+47.39%
VINCVincerx Pharma, Inc.
807.2 K0.1089 USD−0.0202 USD−15.65%−16.42%0.1040 USD−19.44%7.52 M3.79 M USD−76.35%
JJUNSJupiter Neurosciences, Inc.
805.94 K1.24 USD−0.21 USD−14.48%0.00%1.41 USD−2.76%2.94 M46.68 M USD
LUNRIntuitive Machines, Inc.
785.25 K23.22 USD1.05 USD+4.74%+0.77%23.07 USD+4.06%23.94 M3.46 B USD+912.47%
SOUNSoundHound AI, Inc.
778.66 K16.70 USD0.30 USD+1.83%+0.49%15.84 USD−3.41%65.38 M5.86 B USD+954.78%
SMRNuScale Power Corporation
758.69 K28.98 USD−0.10 USD−0.34%+1.38%27.97 USD−3.82%14.41 M7.66 B USD+925.83%
OPTTOcean Power Technologies, Inc.
748.37 K0.8777 USD0.0372 USD+4.43%+5.29%0.8457 USD+0.62%16.11 M123.58 M USD+552.64%
EONREON Resources Inc.
743.21 K1.04 USD−0.12 USD−10.38%−3.45%1.11 USD−4.31%2.69 M11.85 M USD−7.95%
RIOTRiot Platforms, Inc.
732.26 K13.31 USD0.32 USD+2.46%+3.00%13.54 USD+4.23%46.78 M4.66 B USD+73.62%
RKLBRocket Lab USA, Inc.
721.04 K32.09 USD0.52 USD+1.65%+0.13%30.36 USD−3.83%23.88 M15.18 B USD+397.98%
RIVNRivian Automotive, Inc.
695.6 K12.73 USD0.24 USD+1.92%+0.72%12.77 USD+2.24%31.52 M13.03 B USD−19.34%
INTCIntel Corporation
664.85 K21.41 USD−0.16 USD−0.74%−0.28%20.83 USD−3.43%66.3 M89.84 B USD−58.26%
BNGOBionano Genomics, Inc.
664.06 K0.1323 USD0.0000 USD0.00%+16.78%0.1215 USD−8.16%17.12 M16.99 M USD−37.80%
CCLEUChina Liberal Education Holdings Limited
663.67 K6.85 USD0.05 USD+0.74%+2.94%7.11 USD+4.56%27.05 M208 M USD+1,123.91%
METAMeta Platforms, Inc.
663.57 K636.40 USD−0.05 USD−0.01%+0.16%647.49 USD+1.73%19.07 M1.63 T USD+63.16%
LCIDLucid Group, Inc.
662.38 K2.76 USD0.04 USD+1.47%+1.10%2.79 USD+2.57%80.6 M8.4 B USD+37.49%
LTBRLightbridge Corporation
649.95 K9.10 USD−1.06 USD−10.43%+3.64%8.03 USD−20.96%7.17 M126.61 M USD+80.36%
RRRichtech Robotics Inc.
639.61 K3.57 USD0.12 USD+3.44%+0.29%3.31 USD−4.06%25.54 M370.89 M USD
AIFFFirefly Neuroscience, Inc.
624.66 K3.43 USD0.18 USD+5.53%0.00%3.65 USD+12.31%1.46 M29 M USD+380.69%
TWLOTwilio Inc.
608.13 K138.18 USD24.78 USD+21.85%+15.54%136.23 USD+20.13%17.52 M20.9 B USD+27.02%
SMCISuper Micro Computer, Inc.
600.08 K34.03 USD0.62 USD+1.86%0.00%33.27 USD−0.42%31.73 M19.48 B USD+0.42%
AEONAEON Biopharma, Inc.
586.59 K0.1346 USD0.0066 USD+5.16%+6.80%0.1383 USD+8.05%16.14 M11.06 M USD−95.64%
HHOLOMicroCloud Hologram Inc.
579.82 K1.59 USD−0.02 USD−1.24%−1.86%1.55 USD−3.73%15.53 M31.84 M USD+252.56%
WULFTeraWulf Inc.
551.89 K6.49 USD0.31 USD+5.02%+4.05%6.32 USD+2.18%56.75 M2.44 B USD+453.46%
AMDAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.
523.89 K124.55 USD1.51 USD+1.23%−0.19%122.84 USD−0.16%31.57 M199.35 B USD−25.76%
IPAImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd.
523.37 K0.5603 USD−0.0397 USD−6.62%−1.75%0.5765 USD−3.92%3.97 M17.91 M USD−59.54%
OPENOpendoor Technologies Inc
485.96 K1.44 USD0.01 USD+0.70%+0.70%1.40 USD−2.10%26.17 M1 B USD−54.26%
RZLVRezolve AI Limited
485.53 K3.09 USD0.04 USD+1.30%−0.33%2.87 USD−5.90%7.28 M494.16 M USD
VERUVeru Inc.
459.1 K1.35 USD0.07 USD+5.47%+0.78%1.21 USD−5.47%6.25 M177.12 M USD+92.35%
ACHRArcher Aviation Inc.
458.26 K9.96 USD0.07 USD+0.71%+0.10%9.97 USD+0.81%34.1 M4.24 B USD+141.30%
PFEPfizer, Inc.
456.15 K26.01 USD−0.43 USD−1.63%−1.10%26.09 USD−1.32%31.3 M147.85 B USD−5.02%
QUBTQuantum Computing Inc.
455.65 K11.29 USD0.17 USD+1.53%+3.33%10.93 USD−1.71%35.27 M1.5 B USD+1,363.80%
LRHCLa Rosa Holdings Corp.
454.61 K0.4500 USD0.0078 USD+1.76%+10.54%0.4085 USD−7.62%3.36 M8.74 M USD−39.61%
USEGU.S. Energy Corp.
451.68 K2.97 USD−0.05 USD−1.69%0.00%2.73 USD−9.60%3.52 M76.34 M USD+126.32%
STEMStem, Inc.
438.83 K0.6940 USD0.0026 USD+0.38%−1.48%0.7818 USD+13.07%16.02 M127.24 M USD−74.51%
AALLRAllarity Therapeutics, Inc.
428.72 K1.30 USD−0.02 USD−1.38%−2.27%1.36 USD+3.03%5.64 M6.03 M USD+66.15%, Inc.
427.42 K4.24 USD0.02 USD+0.47%+0.24%4.13 USD−2.13%29.62 M1.04 B USD+157.40%
ASTSAST SpaceMobile, Inc.
425.67 K20.49 USD0.69 USD+3.48%+1.52%20.35 USD+2.78%12.05 M5.9 B USD+579.06%
CGBSCrown LNG Holdings Limited
423.37 K0.6600 USD−0.0214 USD−3.14%−0.21%0.5697 USD−16.39%5.82 M262.16 M USD+310.23%
KULRKULR Technology Group, Inc.
408.65 K2.46 USD0.02 USD+0.82%+2.05%2.46 USD+0.82%17.62 M588.63 M USD+1,994.63%
CTMCastellum, Inc.
391.96 K0.9260 USD−0.0040 USD−0.43%+2.15%0.9053 USD−2.66%2.51 M69.99 M USD+264.79%
AALAmerican Airlines Group, Inc.
384.29 K16.85 USD−0.18 USD−1.06%−0.53%16.96 USD−0.41%37.78 M11.14 B USD+34.17%
TLRYTilray Brands, Inc.
382.52 K1.13 USD0.01 USD+0.87%+2.68%1.14 USD+1.79%36.23 M1.07 B USD−28.72%
CLSKCleanSpark, Inc.
374.53 K11.63 USD0.22 USD+1.93%+2.54%11.53 USD+1.05%25.36 M3.24 B USD+110.93%
YYAIConnexa Sports Technologies Inc.
348.3 K0.5420 USD0.0217 USD+4.17%+3.02%0.4480 USD−13.90%1.6 M6.52 M USD+2,626.05%
MSTRMicroStrategy Incorporated
336.85 K377.38 USD4.26 USD+1.14%+2.92%353.67 USD−5.21%22.94 M88.27 B USD+1,008.63%
TEMTempus AI, Inc.
336.7 K55.00 USD0.16 USD+0.29%+0.67%51.40 USD−6.27%13.03 M8.09 B USD
PMAXPowell Max Limited
334.4 K0.4335 USD−0.0375 USD−7.96%+2.00%0.4313 USD−8.43%1.24 M6.31 M USD
RXRXRecursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
330.95 K7.61 USD0.08 USD+1.06%+0.27%7.33 USD−2.66%25.17 M2.86 B USD+13.41%
KITTNauticus Robotics, Inc.
328.64 K2.00 USD0.00 USD0.00%−2.00%1.98 USD−1.00%6.97 M12.69 M USD−42.39%
MRNAModerna, Inc.
325.27 K43.21 USD0.82 USD+1.93%+1.04%41.41 USD−2.31%17.25 M15.94 B USD−65.27%
TGLTreasure Global Inc.
311 K0.2158 USD−0.0042 USD−1.91%−0.45%0.2100 USD−4.55%1.6 M6.22 M USD−2.70%
QSIQuantum-Si Incorporated
308.88 K2.42 USD0.01 USD+0.41%−1.66%2.30 USD−4.56%15.43 M418.06 M USD+26.83%
IONQIonQ, Inc.
308.72 K41.72 USD0.37 USD+0.89%−0.41%40.76 USD−1.43%19.67 M8.82 B USD+168.47%
MUMicron Technology, Inc.
301.23 K105.72 USD0.88 USD+0.84%+0.52%103.19 USD−1.57%19.74 M114.97 B USD+13.40%