Script inputs

input annotations make it possible to indicate which variables in the indicator’s code are incoming. Widgets will be generated for the variables on the indicator’s (properties/attributes) page in order to change the values via a more convenient way than modifying the script’s source code. You can also specify the title of the input in the form of a short text string. The title is meant to explain the purpose of the input, and you can specify lowest and highest possible values for numerical inputs.

When the document is written, in Pine there are the following types of inputs:

  • bool,
  • integer,
  • float,
  • string,
  • symbol,
  • resolution,
  • session,
  • source.

The following examples show how to create, each input and what its widgets look like.

b = input(title="On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) plot(b ? open : na)

Boolean input

i = input(title="Offset", type=integer, defval=7, minval=-10, maxval=10) plot(offset(close, i))

Integer input

f = input(title="Angle", type=float, defval=-0.5, minval=-3.14, maxval=3.14, step=0.2) plot(sin(f) > 0 ? close : open)

Float input

sym = input(title="Symbol", type=symbol, defval="SPY") res = input(title="Resolution", type=resolution, defval="60") plot(close, color=red) plot(security(sym, res, close), color=green)

Symbol and resolution inputs

The symbol input widget has a built-in symbol search which is turned on automatically when the ticker’s first symbols are typed.

s = input(title="Session", type=session, defval="24x7") plot(time(period, s))

Session input

src = input(title="Source", type=source, defval=close) ma = sma(src, 9) plot(ma)

Source input