Barcoloring a series with barcolor

The barcolor annotation function lets you specify the color of bars. The coloring can be conditional. The following script renders inside and outside bars in different colors:

//@version=4 study("barcolor example", overlay=true) isUp() => close > open isDown() => close <= open isOutsideUp() => high > high[1] and low < low[1] and isUp() isOutsideDown() => high > high[1] and low < low[1] and isDown() isInside() => high < high[1] and low > low[1] barcolor(isInside() ? color.yellow : isOutsideUp() ? color.aqua : isOutsideDown() ? color.purple : na)


As you can see, the na value leaves bars as is.

barcolor works whether the script is running in overlay=true mode or not.