
Zero-lag, 3-Pole Super Smoother [Loxx]

Zero-lag, 3-Pole Super Smoother [Loxx] is an Ehlers 3-pole smoother with lag reduction

What is 3-pole Super Smoother?
A SuperSmoother filter is used anytime a moving average of any type would otherwise be used, with the result that the SuperSmoother filter output would have substantially less lag for an equivalent amount of smoothing produced by the moving average. For example, a five-bar SMA has a cutoff period of approximately 10 bars and has two bars of lag. A SuperSmoother filter with a cutoff period of 10 bars has a lag a half bar larger than the two-pole modified Butterworth filter. Therefore, such a SuperSmoother filter has a maximum lag of approximately 1.5 bars and even less lag into the attenuation band of the filter. The differential in lag between moving average and SuperSmoother filter outputs becomes even larger when the cutoff periods are larger.

-Color bars
-Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Release Notes
Fixed error.
