
IntellyBot Strategy Backtester 3commas

IntellyBot Signals are currently available on πŸ”— Binance Spot, πŸ”— Binance Futures, πŸ”— Bybit, πŸ”— OKX, πŸ”— Bybit and πŸ”— Kucoin. [br] [br] We are hunting the low for our long-bots and the high for our short-bots.

We made this backtester so that our users can backtest our free signals from the πŸ”— 3commas Marketplace. Our signals run on the 1h chart. This backtester is just for personal information purposes and cannot be used for trading.

Join now πŸ”— Team IntellyBot on the OKX Football Cup Trading Contest! You donΒ΄t have an OKX Account yet? [br]
πŸ”— Open now an Account on OKX an get a 10% Discount on your Trading Fees!

πŸ”ΈFor LONG Spot-Market we suggest the following setting: πŸ”Έ[br]
πŸ”— Spot LONG Sellium Setting
πŸ”— Spot LONG Ghost Setting
πŸ”— Spot LONG Farmer Setting

πŸ”ΈFor Long Futures-Market we suggest the following setting: πŸ”Έ[br]
πŸ”— Futures LONG Mega Setting
πŸ”— Futures LONG Mega Setting (OKX)
πŸ”ΈFor Short Futures-Market we suggest the following setting: πŸ”Έ[br]
πŸ”— Futures SHORT Mega Setting
πŸ”— Futures SHORT Mega Setting (OKX)
We only support USDT/USD pairs.[br]
If you have questions write to [br]
Our official Discord: πŸ”— IntellyBot Discord[br]
Our official website: πŸ”—[br]
Our Telegram Channel: πŸ”—[br]
DISCLAIMER: Signals Provider does not publish advice about using cryptocurrency or trading cryptocurrency. While the website contains information on an algorithmic indicator created by Signals Provider, it is not giving its reader any financial advice. We are not liable for any data the indicator publishes as they are for informational purposes only. We will not be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, in respect of any damage, expense or other loss you may suffer arising out of such information or any reliance you may place upon such information. Does not include investment advice. For training and testing purposes only.[br]
Release Notes
settings updated
Release Notes
updated botsettings
