Modified Mannarino Market Risk Indicator MMMRI was developed by "Nobody Special Finance" as an enhancement to the original MMRI developed by Gregory Mannarino. The original and modified version were created as a way to gauge current level of risk in the market. This published indicator includes both versions along with ability to customize the symbols,...
Library "L_Index_4khansolo" countrySelect() colorPositron() indexName() indexRSI() maRSI() colorRSIfull() rsiColor() rsiFillColor() rsiCompartments() fiatIndexer() colorMACD() indexMACD() colour()
Modified Mannarino Market Risk Indicator MMRI = DXY * 10Y Yield MMMRI = MMRI * (Debt/GDP) Color Indicators Green ~ Low Risk Yellow - Mod Risk Red - High Risk Purple - Extreme Risk Bubbles Formula (MMMRI_DK) DXY*(10Y + FED Rate)* (Shiller P/E Ratio) * (Warren Buffet Indicator)*(Debt/GDP) /1.61 Similar to the Shiller P/E Ratio - you need to...
Simple script based on Gregory Mannarino's Risk indicator using the DXY and US10Y. Use it as you would an RSI but more of a leading indicator.