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The current value of NYSE Composite Index is 19,435.0338 USD — it has risen by 0.01% in the past 24 hours. Track the index more closely on the NYSE Composite Index chart.
NYSE Composite Index reached its highest quote on Sep 27, 2024 — 19,597.3188 USD. See more data on the NYSE Composite Index chart.
The lowest ever quote of NYSE Composite Index is 347.7700 USD. It was reached on Oct 3, 1974. See more data on the NYSE Composite Index chart.
NYSE Composite Index value has decreased by −0.42% in the past week, since last month it has shown a 2.95% increase, and over the year it's increased by 27.74%. Keep track of all changes on the NYSE Composite Index chart.
NYSE Composite Index is just a number that lets you track performance of the instruments comprising the index, so you can't invest in it directly. But you can buy NYSE Composite Index futures or funds or invest in its components.