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Frequently Asked Questions

I'd like to remove/change TradingView attribution (text and link under the widget).
There are several options, contact us using this form.
I’d like to remove/change the TradingView branding (logo, name) from the widget, or add my own.
There are several options, contact us using this form.
When a user clicks a symbol in the widget, I’d like to open my own site’s chart page instead of TradingView.
Use the field called full-size chart URL. Paste the link to your chart pages in that field and it will redirect there instead of TradingView.
Good use case - place Timeline Widget on your homepage and have users click through to your individual chart pages. Example -{symbolname}. Or use {tvexchange}:{tvsymbol} templates instead to do a link like -{tvexchange}:{tvsymbol}.
The widget is not adapting to different screen sizes. What should I do?
Use the Autosize setting. When autosize is on, the widget uses 100% of available width and/or height of the enclosing element. It’s very important to set a specific height of parent element for the widget to work properly.
I’d like to change some colors or font size.
All available widget settings are presented in the point-and-click constructor. If what you want to change is not there, contact us using this form.
How do I get more help?
Contact us using this form.
Why is embed code not working?
Potentially, the problem can arise from trying to insert the raw code dynamically, thus forcing the browser to block the embedded script execution. This may happen when injection via innerHTML occurs, for instance. Trying to dynamically inject the code with the means of certain libraries (e.g. jQuery) may also disrupt the proper initialization of the widget. If you are embedding the code on a site driven by 3rd party infrastructure, make sure to follow their instructions or ask the developer of the platform for help.
What’s the difference between Adaptive and Regular settings?
When the Timeline Widget is set to Adaptive mode, it automatically changes between Regular and Compact modes based on available container width.