US stocks with the biggest gap in pre-market

Gap is a sharp change in a stock price between sessions when no actual trading occurs. US stocks below have gained the most in pre-market gap. Check their stats and see if you can gain from this sudden change.
Pre-market Gap %
Pre-market Close
Pre-market Chg
Pre-market Chg %
Pre-market Vol
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
NIVFNewGenIvf Group Limited
+66.75%0.8700 USD0.2703 USD+45.07%8.384 M0.7651 USD+27.58%10.9 M7.765 M USD−89.19%
NNLSPNLS Pharmaceutics Ltd.
+29.41%4.45 USD0.20 USD+4.71%9.11 K4.46 USD+4.94%21.788 K5.227 M USD−74.22%
BSFCBlue Star Foods Corp.
+18.91%0.4997 USD−0.0301 USD−5.68%1.464 M0.4839 USD−8.66%1.609 M1.215 M USD+72.81%
AKANAkanda Corp.
+16.67%1.23 USD0.15 USD+13.80%1.633 M1.18 USD+9.24%2.081 M2.261 M USD
CCETXCemtrex Inc.
+16.20%0.4952 USD0.0262 USD+5.59%13.274 M0.4527 USD−3.48%14.771 M131.568 K USD−91.50%
INHDInno Holdings Inc.
+15.98%4.52 USD−0.30 USD−6.22%11.835 K4.30 USD−10.79%38.259 K8.945 M USD
LUXHLuxUrban Hotels Inc.
+14.65%0.0727 USD0.0222 USD+43.96%76.411 M0.0677 USD+34.05%97.751 M9.339 M USD−95.03%
SSKYQSky Quarry Inc.
+14.60%4.00 USD−0.11 USD−2.68%34.389 K3.87 USD−5.84%80.072 K
+13.10%0.1051 USD0.0234 USD+28.64%35.553 M0.0970 USD+18.73%41.473 M3.333 M USD−88.24%
SSEELSeelos Therapeutics, Inc.
+12.96%2.64 USD0.17 USD+6.88%4.861 K2.51 USD+1.42%10.136 K1.455 M USD−93.57%
VEEETwin Vee PowerCats Co.
+12.30%0.6098 USD0.0668 USD+12.30%1340.5800 USD+6.81%1.491 K5.522 M USD−57.25%
AEHRAehr Test Systems
+11.86%15.12 USD1.80 USD+13.51%345.078 K14.63 USD+9.80%1.172 M432.662 M USD−64.83%
AMPXAmprius Technologies, Inc.
+11.30%1.20 USD0.05 USD+4.35%27.618 K1.16 USD+0.87%53.96 K128.82 M USD−60.45%
APVOAptevo Therapeutics Inc.
+10.08%0.1530 USD0.0032 USD+2.14%54.268 K0.1498 USD0.00%79.319 K1.411 M USD−57.25%
FAASDigiAsia Corp.
+9.47%1.96 USD0.06 USD+3.16%7502.01 USD+5.79%8.862 K21.491 M USD−75.57%
MMAAlta Global Group Limited
+9.27%1.61 USD0.10 USD+6.62%3001.64 USD+8.61%1.265 K16.839 M USD
MRKRMarker Therapeutics, Inc.
+9.24%2.72 USD0.23 USD+9.24%5002.60 USD+4.46%78223.209 M USD−27.24%
VERUVeru Inc.
+9.06%0.8448 USD0.0196 USD+2.38%6.174 K0.8200 USD−0.63%58.598 K120.035 M USD+63.65%
CCLIKClick Holdings Limited
+8.22%1.46 USD0.00 USD0.00%75.155 K1.42 USD−2.74%99.109 K
BLMZBloomZ Inc.
+8.21%1.48 USD0.14 USD+10.45%3.655 M1.46 USD+8.96%5.789 M18.881 M USD
CNVSCineverse Corp.
+8.03%1.48 USD0.11 USD+8.03%1401.41 USD+2.92%2.643 K22.146 M USD+5.83%
APCXAppTech Payments Corp.
+8.02%0.6790 USD0.0210 USD+3.19%3.564 K0.6950 USD+5.62%24.232 K18.892 M USD−71.71%
KDLYKindly MD, Inc.
+7.81%1.27 USD−0.01 USD−0.78%69.965 K1.30 USD+1.56%104.537 K7.731 M USD
AIFFFirefly Neuroscience, Inc.
+7.79%3.40 USD0.25 USD+7.79%1203.23 USD+2.37%1.14 K26.995 M USD+331.92%
PRSOPeraso Inc.
+7.43%1.88 USD0.13 USD+7.43%2811.79 USD+2.29%2.178 K4.915 M USD+21.27%
INTZIntrusion Inc.
+7.17%0.8798 USD0.0400 USD+4.76%8.1 K0.8500 USD+1.21%22.635 K5.645 M USD−30.59%
IMUXImmunic, Inc.
+7.14%1.45 USD0.05 USD+3.57%10.939 K1.43 USD+2.14%18.684 K128.813 M USD+95.64%
BMRABiomerica, Inc.
+7.07%0.3330 USD0.0219 USD+7.04%1.2 K0.3300 USD+6.08%6.497 K5.551 M USD−59.83%
VVMARVision Marine Technologies Inc.
+7.00%3.00 USD0.00 USD0.00%1.868 K3.00 USD0.00%6.227 K1.653 M USD−91.04%
SDIGStronghold Digital Mining, Inc.
+6.82%4.22 USD0.15 USD+3.69%2424.20 USD+3.19%8.095 K70.933 M USD+75.04%
TCJHTop KingWin Ltd
+6.80%0.5500 USD0.0350 USD+6.80%1470.5000 USD−2.91%1.229 K91.484 M USD
FTELFitell Corporation
+6.80%16.50 USD1.05 USD+6.80%2.999 K15.48 USD+0.18%16.534 K172.112 M USD
AGBAAGBA Group Holding Limited
+6.80%1.12 USD0.09 USD+8.74%2.669 M1.17 USD+13.45%4.188 M221.157 M USD+523.68%
QNCXQuince Therapeutics, Inc.
+6.42%0.7662 USD0.0462 USD+6.42%3000.7100 USD−1.39%52730.726 M USD−16.30%
BSVNBank7 Corp.
+6.40%39.39 USD1.89 USD+5.04%96338.02 USD+1.39%3.614 K355.022 M USD+72.68%
DTSTData Storage Corporation
+6.39%3.83 USD0.23 USD+6.39%2003.62 USD+0.56%67325.325 M USD+9.96%
GTXGarrett Motion Inc.
+6.35%8.56 USD0.53 USD+6.63%3.458 K8.18 USD+1.87%28.51 K1.788 B USD−8.31%
XCURExicure, Inc.
+6.23%2.70 USD0.13 USD+5.06%1.599 K2.67 USD+3.89%3.573 K4.62 M USD−19.47%
FCUVFocus Universal Inc.
+6.16%0.2280 USD0.0022 USD+0.97%3.317 K0.2276 USD+0.80%11.245 K15.629 M USD−87.71%
BSLKBolt Projects Holdings, Inc.
+6.16%0.4436 USD0.0196 USD+4.62%10.948 K0.4305 USD+1.53%14.002 K13.63 M USD−93.57%
KNDIKandi Technologies Group, Inc.
+6.13%1.73 USD0.10 USD+6.13%9151.65 USD+1.23%14.985 K144.141 M USD−45.83%
VORVor Biopharma Inc.
+6.12%0.6948 USD0.0401 USD+6.12%2200.6801 USD+3.88%4.217 K46.518 M USD−63.22%
PSIGPS International Group Ltd.
+6.12%0.8150 USD0.0470 USD+6.12%1200.7682 USD+0.03%50118.654 M USD−56.68%
AACTUActuate Therapeutics, Inc.
+6.01%7.59 USD0.43 USD+6.01%1007.35 USD+2.65%619140.47 M USD
IINNInspira Technologies Oxy B.H.N. Ltd.
+5.95%1.38 USD0.02 USD+1.54%1.198 K1.40 USD+3.01%2.959 K25.698 M USD+101.44%
BJDXBluejay Diagnostics, Inc.
+5.94%0.1179 USD0.0000 USD0.00%54.011 K0.1150 USD−2.46%57.771 K1.903 M USD
WLGSWang & Lee Group, Inc.
+5.88%1.95 USD0.25 USD+14.71%3.828 K1.75 USD+2.78%7.759 K26.372 M USD
TERNTerns Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+5.87%7.47 USD0.06 USD+0.88%8.95 K7.45 USD+0.61%25.202 K629.048 M USD+104.39%
SGBXSafe & Green Holdings Corp.
+5.76%1.03 USD−0.03 USD−2.74%248.431 K1.06 USD+0.09%268.883 K2.149 M USD−78.13%
SCLXScilex Holding Company
+5.66%0.8000 USD0.0149 USD+1.90%5.627 K0.7900 USD+0.62%6.892 K151.515 M USD−45.99%
SURGSurgePays, Inc.
+5.54%1.89 USD0.10 USD+5.54%1501.81 USD+1.12%1.783 K35.738 M USD−48.60%
MISTMilestone Pharmaceuticals Inc.
+5.44%1.55 USD0.08 USD+5.44%1351.48 USD+0.61%3.395 K78.786 M USD−18.06%
DFLIDragonfly Energy Holdings Corp
+5.35%0.5490 USD0.0279 USD+5.35%1000.5300 USD+1.71%56433.272 M USD−54.97%
MBRXMoleculin Biotech, Inc.
+5.35%2.53 USD0.10 USD+4.12%3032.40 USD−1.23%4.46 K6.827 M USD−47.79%
NXLNexalin Technology, Inc.
+5.35%0.6700 USD0.0340 USD+5.35%1.66 K0.6700 USD+5.35%3.403 K7.093 M USD+155.51%
NRBONeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+5.26%2.59 USD0.12 USD+4.86%2.2 K2.41 USD−2.43%5.325 K20.453 M USD+37.07%
ABUSArbutus Biopharma Corporation
+5.25%3.99 USD0.20 USD+5.25%1003.82 USD+0.79%7.869 K721.147 M USD+125.75%
CNEYCN Energy Group Inc.
+5.20%0.6387 USD−0.0713 USD−10.04%339.823 K0.6523 USD−8.13%415.518 K1.717 M USD−88.41%
RVPHReviva Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.
+5.17%1.23 USD0.07 USD+6.03%4351.13 USD−2.54%4.579 K37.412 M USD−63.81%
ALTAltimmune, Inc.
+5.15%6.03 USD0.01 USD+0.17%12.183 K5.99 USD−0.50%52.019 K425.715 M USD+221.43%
FATEFate Therapeutics, Inc.
+5.10%3.09 USD0.15 USD+5.10%1002.93 USD−0.34%19.108 K333.662 M USD+100.22%
PHIOPhio Pharmaceuticals Corp.
+5.10%2.51 USD−0.04 USD−1.57%4252.50 USD−1.96%3.908 K2.152 M USD−18.58%
ZZENAZenaTech, Inc.
+5.08%2.77 USD1.00 USD+56.50%15.24 M3.04 USD+71.75%24.215 M
ONDSOndas Holdings Inc.
+5.08%0.9797 USD0.0504 USD+5.42%1.906 K0.9450 USD+1.69%23.891 K71.156 M USD+101.69%
RRRichtech Robotics Inc.
+5.01%0.6977 USD0.0066 USD+0.95%143.833 K0.6947 USD+0.52%238.177 K66.28 M USD
SLSSELLAS Life Sciences Group, Inc.
+5.00%1.24 USD0.04 USD+3.33%15.788 K1.24 USD+3.33%55.046 K79.772 M USD+99.96%
XPOFXponential Fitness, Inc.
+5.00%12.00 USD0.00 USD0.00%40211.87 USD−1.08%2.123 K570.947 M USD−20.57%
PRPLPurple Innovation, Inc.
+5.00%0.9515 USD0.0453 USD+5.00%1000.9400 USD+3.73%22.523 K101.245 M USD−32.01%
VVXV2X, Inc.
+5.00%62.41 USD2.97 USD+5.00%10061.45 USD+3.38%5.569 K1.917 B USD+8.29%
ANYSphere 3D Corp.
+4.99%0.8990 USD0.0427 USD+4.99%1000.8500 USD−0.74%45117.632 M USD+24.59%
SKYESkye Bioscience, Inc.
+4.98%3.93 USD0.19 USD+4.98%4003.81 USD+1.87%2.625 K115.589 M USD+233.63%
VIRXViracta Therapeutics, Inc.
+4.98%0.2362 USD0.0112 USD+4.98%1 K0.2280 USD+1.33%4.846 K8.987 M USD−66.39%
CARACara Therapeutics, Inc.
+4.97%0.2663 USD0.0126 USD+4.97%2000.2535 USD−0.08%1.274 K13.904 M USD−81.25%
JYNTThe Joint Corp.
+4.96%11.21 USD0.53 USD+4.96%10010.64 USD−0.37%1.815 K159.567 M USD+34.90%
CTLPCantaloupe, Inc.
+4.96%9.31 USD0.44 USD+4.96%2008.97 USD+1.11%12.772 K654.606 M USD+15.28%
OCUPOcuphire Pharma, Inc.
+4.88%1.29 USD0.06 USD+4.88%5621.25 USD+1.65%8.735 K32.756 M USD−53.96%
PRTGPortage Biotech Inc.
+4.86%7.12 USD0.33 USD+4.86%1206.95 USD+2.36%5957.289 M USD−84.94%
AWHAspira Women's Health Inc.
+4.86%0.8050 USD0.0640 USD+8.64%6.851 K0.7650 USD+3.24%7.334 K12.288 M USD−75.99%
LITMSnow Lake Resources Ltd.
+4.84%0.2850 USD0.0084 USD+3.04%1.298 K0.2850 USD+3.04%9.031 K7.92 M USD
KYTXKyverna Therapeutics, Inc.
+4.84%4.71 USD0.16 USD+3.52%2 K4.58 USD+0.67%9.08 K197.63 M USD
PDSBPDS Biotechnology Corporation
+4.83%3.47 USD0.16 USD+4.83%2003.31 USD0.00%1.01 K121.874 M USD−7.69%
IARTIntegra LifeSciences Holdings Corporation
+4.83%19.33 USD0.06 USD+0.31%41019.32 USD+0.26%24.811 K1.499 B USD−56.57%
BYNDBeyond Meat, Inc.
+4.71%6.40 USD0.03 USD+0.47%17.297 K6.40 USD+0.43%48.814 K416.09 M USD−21.21%
SCWO374Water Inc.
+4.70%1.48 USD−0.01 USD−0.67%1.84 K1.46 USD−2.01%13.209 K193.779 M USD+15.13%
SANWS&W Seed Company
+4.67%0.2240 USD0.0100 USD+4.67%1000.2140 USD0.00%8609.282 M USD−73.26%
GUTSFractyl Health, Inc.
+4.66%2.47 USD0.11 USD+4.66%2252.40 USD+1.87%4.883 K115.222 M USD
LUCDLucid Diagnostics Inc.
+4.66%0.8198 USD0.0360 USD+4.59%8250.7802 USD−0.46%9.555 K42.123 M USD−17.19%
CIVBCivista Bancshares, Inc.
+4.58%18.27 USD0.80 USD+4.58%10017.62 USD+0.86%885277.278 M USD+11.98%
AUMNGolden Minerals Company
+4.56%0.2823 USD0.0123 USD+4.56%7900.2625 USD−2.78%1.471 K3.947 M USD−28.51%
CELHCelsius Holdings, Inc.
+4.55%34.93 USD0.02 USD+0.06%512.998 K34.07 USD−2.40%1.647 M7.941 B USD−44.91%
ITPIT Tech Packaging, Inc.
+4.55%0.3285 USD0.0033 USD+1.01%36.617 K0.3010 USD−7.44%50.651 K3.03 M USD−18.94%
LVLULulu's Fashion Lounge Holdings, Inc.
+4.52%1.62 USD0.07 USD+4.52%3001.57 USD+1.29%52865.582 M USD−23.04%
HOWLWerewolf Therapeutics, Inc.
+4.42%1.89 USD0.08 USD+4.42%4001.90 USD+4.87%4.176 K82.955 M USD+16.08%
BEEMBeam Global
+4.37%4.76 USD0.20 USD+4.30%1.419 K4.57 USD+0.22%2.662 K66.819 M USD−28.06%
DATSDatChat, Inc.
+4.32%1.28 USD0.02 USD+1.94%37.866 K1.39 USD+10.70%43.61 K4.183 M USD−37.03%
INZYInozyme Pharma, Inc.
+4.26%4.88 USD−0.05 USD−0.98%3 K4.97 USD+0.91%4.731 K312.104 M USD+42.22%
XAIRBeyond Air, Inc.
+4.21%0.3487 USD0.0182 USD+5.51%1.348 K0.3500 USD+5.90%17.886 K16.282 M USD−75.50%
MERCMercer International Inc.
+4.10%7.36 USD0.29 USD+4.10%1007.09 USD+0.21%1.998 K473.779 M USD−9.43%
SDOTSadot Group Inc.
+4.07%0.3299 USD0.0129 USD+4.07%1000.3170 USD0.00%2.7 K18.004 M USD−40.27%
+4.04%5.45 USD0.00 USD0.00%1.619 K5.39 USD−1.10%61.571 K537.967 M USD−53.32%