Sideways trends are more common in the past several years than they were in the past. This is due to the dominance of Dark Pools and how they use TWAPs to ping a penny spread while in accumulation mode. Once Dark Pools have all the shares of stock they have determined to buy based on Quantitative Analysis using some AI, then the Professional Independent Traders...
Most traders rely upon an indicator signal or a strategy and when these fail they are often baffled by their loss. Losses erode capital but more importantly your self confidence. Learn to READ stock charts. Be observant in seeing patterns developing before a stock has a huge gap up or down. NVDA had several patterns that warned early that the stock was at risk of...
Banks are Sell Side Institutions. They do buybacks for the corporations where they are the Bank of Record. Banks and Sell Side Institutions also buyback their own shares of stock to boost price. Runs up are typical of Sell Side short term trading. Sell Side Institutions also have their favorite industries that they frequently have their floor traders trade for...
Platform Position Style Trading is a trading style that is ideal for those of you who have a career and can only trade once a week to a few times a week. It is also great for retirees who do not want to sit all day monitoring your stocks. It is a very low-risk trading style with higher profit potential, as the hold time is a week to a few weeks. The platform is...
NASDAQ:AMAT was over-speculated in 2023 and then had a top formation that trended down starting in July 2024. This is still considered technically to be an intermediate-term trend correction. The selling started at an all-time high. HFTs are constantly in the mix, selling down. However, the shift of sentiment has started and there are gaps up recently. It is...
By Friday last week in NASDAQ:NVDA , Support of the Market created an inside day to reversal rebound white candle that engulfed, indicating that the minor drop down out of this trading range was just that: a minor slip of price to below fundamental levels. Volume was well above average and Volume Oscillators--TSV, TTVA or Chaikin Osc--ticked up along with money...
Learning to Recognize Who Is Controlling the Stock Price There is a plethora of training on Candlestick Pattern Analysis and interpretation, and yet this remains one of the most problematic areas for Technical Traders who want to trade at the expert level. Once the basics of Japanese Candlestick Patterns are understood, it is time to move up to the next tier of...
NASDAQ:SNPS has been range-bound since 2023 and is finally showing technical patterns that reveal Dark Pool hidden accumulation, pro trader nudges, and the potential for HFTs to gap and run the stock upward. This stock is setting up to challenge the all-time high. Often in the current Moderately Up-trending Market Condition, HFTs will gap the stock over the...
NASDAQ:LULU is working on completion of its long-term bottom. It has good PSHI and has been trending up for a while. The company reports this week. It may gap on earnings news. The steady but slower-paced improvement in price is indicative of Dark Pool accumulation.
Risk Tolerance trips up more traders than any other emotional aspect of trading stocks, or any other asset class. How is your risk tolerance? Would you say that you have a good stable risk tolerance? Or is it the main reason you take small gains or losses? If you need help evaluating your risk tolerance, take this Risk Tolerance Test . If any of these apply,...
This lesson is about understanding the dynamics behind corporate buybacks. Sell-Side Institutions, aka the Banks of Record, have their floor traders do the actual buying of shares on behalf of the corporation. However, the Dark Pools, meaning the Buy-Side Institutions, start selling as the buybacks are going on. This training will help you enter a buyback sooner...
High Frequency Trading companies are market makers/takers that provide liquidity for the public exchanges, and they now use AI. HFTs have a huge impact on your profitability. You can make higher profits from trading ahead of the HFT gaps and riding the momentum upward or downward. In this short video, you'll learn some basics on how to identify the patterns...
This lesson is about how to identify when a hidden quiet accumulation of a stock is underway and how to prepare for the momentum runs that follow. NYSE:DIS is our example for today. Dark Pool activity is explained in detail. Alternative Transaction System (ATS) Venues are called Dark Pools of Liquidity. A Buy Zone is an extended period of hidden accumulation...
Professionals often speak of money flowing in or out of a stock, but how can that be if there is an equal number of buyers and sellers? It is because “Money Flow” comes from the balance of the lot sizes. There are four possible positions in any one stock: Buy Buy to Cover Sell Sell Short Each investor and trader in the stock has their own separate...
NYSE:CAT easily moved above the resistance highs from March and out of its sideways trading range, making new highs. The white candle on lower volume was interesting: intraday showed pro traders in control toward the end of the day as retail traders and smaller funds started selling prematurely. A resting pattern would be a lower-risk entry to prepare for the...
I have always said that making money in the stock market is easy. It is learning how not to lose money that is the hard part of trading. To that end, when you find yourself in the surprising and often disturbing position of having made a whole lot of profit, or more profit than you expected in a very short time, you may be feeling overwhelmed. This is when you...
NASDAQ:GILD has completed its bottom AND sustained the run up from the bottom completion, which provides strong support. The stock is now heading toward the previous resistance highs from January; this is not strong resistance. The type of sideways trend developing now builds energy that can easily move above that weaker resistance. Swing trade watch. Earnings...
For now, NYSE:GS the largest of the Financial Services companies left, is struggling a bit. Trading activity in this stock is well below its average at this time. No pre-earnings run patterns have developed yet. There is some rotation recently, with lower money flow.