For us, good is never good enough. And we know how much you love our alerts. So 1+1, we decided to split the alert limits into price and technical categories to give you more — yes! more — alerts. It’s doubled now. Can you believe it?
The maximum number of active alerts for each of our plans is shown below:
- Basic — 2
- Pro — 40
- Pro+ — 200
- Premium — 800
The number of active alerts of each type can be seen in the alert manager counters:
- P is for Price
- T is for Technical
As of June 2023, we have increased the number of active alerts for the Basic plan even further: now 6 alerts are available for this plan in total, with 5 price alerts and 1 technical alert. You can always find more information about limits and each type of alert on the GoPro page and Help Center.
As always, we look forward to your feedback and suggestions. Happy trading.