
Teladoc Health (TDOC) Missed Projections Case

Court: S.D. New York

Case: 1:24-cv-03849

  • TDOC stockholder filed a claim vs. Teladoc Health missing growth estimates for Q4'24 and FY 2024.
  • On February 21, 2024, announcement of weak 2023 results caused TDOC to fall 23.6%, losing $822M+ in shareholder value.
  • Teladoc investors can join this case to be notified about potential recovery.

On February 20, 2024, Teladoc disclosed that

it failed to reduce marketing spending in 2023, despite previouly announced plans;

it increased marketing spending on its largest division BetterHelp, with little return for that investment;

contrary to Company's expectations, BetterHelp’s membership stagnated and then decreased in 2023;

Teladoc’s revenue compared to 2022 and Q4 to Q3 was well below expectations.

On this news, TDOC fell 23.6%, losing $822M+ in shareholder value.

Considering all the representations, investors have reasons to suspect that Teladoc Health overstated its 2023 prospects.

One of the investors has already filed a class action against Teladoc in S.D. of New York court for failing to timely disclose the setbacks in its 2023 operations.