
iExec RLC to Participate in Confidential Computing Summit in San Francisco on June 6th


iExec RLC has announced that Anthony Simone, the head of research, and Joey Bekkin, AI research engineer, will be speaking about trusted and confidential AI at the Confidential Computing Summit in San Francisco on June 6th. The discussion will focus on the vast amount of data being generated today and the importance of data privacy and trustworthy AI in managing this information.

Refer to the official tweet by RLC:

iExec RLC - Official

"Imagine a vast ocean of information. That's the amount of data we're generating today."

Join us at Confidential Computing Summit on June 6th and hear Anthony and Joey talk about Trusted and Confidential AI.#DataPrivacy #GenAi #TrustworthyAI

May 07, 2024

RLC Info

iExec is a decentralized cloud computing platform based on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides on-demand computing resources for decentralized applications (dApps) on its cloud. Unlike traditional cloud services, iExec offers a blockchain network that integrates various computing resources, facilitating the smooth operation of dApps by distributing their computational processes.

iExec ensures efficient dApp functioning by offloading processing-intensive computations off-chain, maintaining the uninterrupted operation of on-chain blockchain activities. This decentralization of computations is achieved using XtremWeb-HEP, an open-source Desktop Grid Software. This software facilitates Desktop Grid computing, which leverages unused computing power from various sources for dApp processing. With XtremWeb-HEP, iExec can provide a vast array of essential features, like fault-tolerance, multi-application support, and hybrid public/private infrastructure, allowing dApps to access any computing resource within the iExec framework.

The RLC token is iExec’s native cryptocurrency. It serves as the primary medium to access the services within the iExec infrastructure. This means that to utilize iExec’s decentralized computing resources or other platform-related services, users would primarily engage through the RLC token.