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ASIC Pulls the Plug on This Retail Broker's Financial Services License

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has revoked the Australian Financial Services (AFS) license of JB Markets Pty Ltd, effective from 12 April 2024, citing the company's failure to meet financial requirements and maintain adequate resources.

ASIC Revokes JB Markets' AFS License Over Financial Inadequacies

The cancellation comes after JB Markets' license was suspended on 8 November 2023 due to the company reporting a net deficiency of assets over liabilities and failing to meet financial holding requirements for the financial years 2019 to 2022. ASIC also determined that JB Markets did not possess adequate financial resources to provide the financial services under its AFS license.

"ASIC considers that canceling JB Markets AFS license will protect the interests of potential consumers, promote confidence in the financial services industry, and encourage professionalism by those who provide financial services.," the regulatory body stated in a press release.

ASIC Media

We have cancelled the Australian financial services licence of JB Markets for failing to comply with financial requirements, and failing to have adequate resources to provide the services covered by its licence

Apr 22, 2024

JB Markets held AFS license number 323182 from July 2008, which authorized the company to provide financial product advice, deal in financial products, make a market in financial products, and operate custodial or depository services for retail and wholesale clients.

Under the Corporations Act, ASIC is empowered to suspend or cancel an AFS license if a licensee fails to fulfill its general obligations, which include meeting financial requirements and ensuring adequate resourcing. JB Markets has the right to appeal ASIC's decision by applying to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for a review.

ASIC imposes stringent financial requirements on AFS licensees to ensure they possess sufficient financial resources to conduct their business in compliance with financial services laws. These requirements serve as crucial consumer protection measures, aiming to minimize the risk of a disorderly wind-up in the event of a business failure.

Over the last year, the regulator issued 332 AFS licenses and suspended 26 of them.

ASIC Wipes Out 3,500 Fraudulent Investment Websites

In March, ASIC disclosed the achievements of its initiative to combat investment scams. Recent statistics indicate that since initiating its website takedown capability in July 2023, approximately 3,500 deceptive investment sites have been removed, significantly enhancing the protection of Australians against online fraud.

Furthermore, ASIC elaborated on the successes of its regulatory and enforcement activities. Over the six months ending December 31, 2023, ASIC obtained nearly $60 million in civil penalties and successfully facilitated nine criminal convictions.

The revocation of JB Markets' license reminds us of the importance of adhering to financial regulations and maintaining adequate resources in the financial services industry.