
Binance Coin (BNB) Price Analysis for December 23

Buyers keep controlling the situation even at the beginning of the weekend.Top coins by CoinMarketCap


The rate of Binance Coin BNB has not changed since yesterday.Image by TradingView

On the hourly chart, the price of BNB has made a false breakout of the local support level of $265.9.

If the daily bar closes far from that mark, there is a chance to see a test of the resistance of $272 tomorrow.Image by TradingView

A different picture is on the daily time frame. The rate is located near the resistance of $274.9. If bulls can hold the gained initiative, the breakout may lead to a blast to the $280-$290 zone soon.Image by TradingView

From the midterm point of view, traders should pay attention to the level of $271.9. If the situation does not change and the candle closes around the current prices, one can expect a test of the $300 area shortly.

BNB is trading at $269.9 at press time.