Editors' picks

RK's Framework 01 - Auto Color Gradient

This started as a personal arrays study, but after a few tests I decided to made a framework to get my own scripts simplest, lighter and faster.
And now I'm sharing with you guys.

Is very simple to use:
  • Copy evething inside "RK's Auto Color Gradient Framework" block;
  • Paste anywhere before the plotting;
  • Declare the color variable name calling the function "f_autocolor(___, ___)" with the source you gonna plot and the size of the scale do you want to use to compare the data.

Feel free to use.

Hope brings some profits for you guys!!
Release Notes
Version 1.1 notes:

  • Put the script link on the code;
  • Now the choice of the theme is outside the function;
  • I deleted the reverse input and put the explanation to how reverse the scale;
  • And I wrote a simple text to help if anyone wants to add their own color scale gradient.

To change the direction of the gradient scale, just invert the math sign of the source with a simple (-).
Release Notes
█ PATCH NOTES: Version 1.2

  • Better Instructions Comments;
  • More themes;
  • Adding new Gradient Scales is easier;


1 — Copy evething inside "RK's Auto Color Gradient Framework" block;
2 — Paste anywhere before the plotting;
3 — Declare the color variable name calling the function f_autocolor(series, scale_length, theme_number)

series (series) → Series of values (source) to process.
scale_length (integer) → Number of bars to measure the highest and lowest values
theme_number (integer) → Number of the theme

autocolorautocolorgradientBollinger Bands (BB)colorframeworkcolorscolorschemecolorthemegradientgradientcolorRelative Strength Index (RSI)RKS

Open-source script

In true TradingView spirit, the author of this script has published it open-source, so traders can understand and verify it. Cheers to the author! You may use it for free, but reuse of this code in publication is governed by House rules. You can favorite it to use it on a chart.

Want to use this script on a chart?

Feel free to share your success with me: 🤑👍
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