357 RatingsVery Good
357 RatingsVery Good
Зарегистрировался на Phemex, радует отсутствие санкций для ру трейдеров. Интерфейс понятный, но не хватает локальной поддержки.
Пользуюсь биржей давно, более 4 лет. Одна из любимых платформ, бывают проблемы с ликвидностью на щиткоинах, но в целом биржа отличная, работает с российскими пользователями. Не хватает поддержки на русском, это из пожеланий. Ну зато бонусы бессрочные, это плюс.
Могу смело сказать, что это отличная площадка, которая предоставляет все инструменты для комфортной работы. Комиссии низкие, выводят быстро, платформа работает шустро. Если не мультить в погоне за бонусами, проблем не возникнет.
Phemex is good . but it would be good if they did a video tutorial on how to use future trading/position size and so when you connect Phemex to trading view as its a little different on trading view than it is on the brokers website.
I've been using it for over four years. During this time, I've never had any issues with withdrawing funds or anything else. Since I use the app more often, I've sometimes sent in feedback for improvements, and the team has always been responsive. Over these four years, the exchange has grown significantly, with new features and promotions being introduced. With the launch of Pulse, new opportunities in Web3 are opening up. It's funny to see how during promo periods, multi-account users rush in, get their deserved bans, and then start hating on the exchange. Four years with both bull and bear markets, and you’ve survived – well done. I wish the exchange continued success and a leading position in the market!
I've been using Phemex for the past two years, and it has become my go-to platform for trading futures. The platform offers incredibly low transaction fees, a friendly minimal deposit requirement, and, most importantly, a friendly user interface. Phemex truly stands out amongst other trading platforms. Highly recommended!
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