Financial Astrology Sun Declination

Extreme Sun declinations occurs at the solstices of summer and fall which correspond to the entry of Sun into Cancer and Capricorn respectively. At this extreme points we can observe that many markets tend to produce corrections. Is very interesting to see that when Sun reach the lowest and highest declination extremes. this events correlates very close to price corrections, is not an infalible rule, don't repeat for all observations but in many occurrences during all the historical data that we have of BTCUSD since 2010 have happened.

Is very likely that this same pattern repeats in others markets so will be great to get the participation of other financial astrologers that could research this cycle and share feedback with us.

Note: The Sun declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the declination is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart reference timezone.
