Forecast is a highly useful drawing tool, especially when used in the context of sharing trade ideas with the rest of the TradingView community. Forecast allows user to place an entry and an exit price for a trade. However, it also allows user to define the trade's duration by extending the forecast line. As time progresses (and prices changes), the forecast will automatically be deemed a "success" or a "failure".

In the Style property dialog, it is possible to change the appearance of a forecast drawn:

Sets the color, opacity level and thickness of the projection line.
Source/Target Text
Sets text color for the source and target labels.
Source/Target Background
Sets background color for the source and target labels.
Source/Target Border
Sets border color for the source as well as the target.
Success/Failure Text
Can change the text color for the success and failure results boxes.
Success/Failure Background
Sets background color for the success and failure results boxes.
When setting the color, you can also set the opacity level for text, border and background color of source/target labels and result boxes.
In the Coordinates properties dialog, you can set precisely the position of the projection line's points on the price scale (by setting the price) and the time axis (by setting the bar number):

Price 1
Allows for the precise placement of the source using a price or bar number.
Price 2
Allows for the precise placement of the target using a price or bar number.
In the Visibility properties dialog, you can switch the Triangle tool displaying on charts of different timeframes: