After having a look of the technical format realised into a 15 minutes chart I have to come to the decision that the best entry areas are in the 100% of the imbalance, if you guys understand of what I am talking about go ahead and refine the areas up to 3 minutes for better entries with a more appropiate SL. Still those ones mark by me are good enough but better,...
BlackRock launched a private trust to give clients exposure to spot bitcoin. Meanwhile, the hits against Coinbase keep coming, as the company is now facing SEC scrutiny over its staking programs. Lastly, OpenSea introduced a new stolen item policy to combat NFT theft. ₿ Info taking from Stocktwitts
Robinhood shares slumped after a judge ruled that the company must face U.S. market manipulation claims over the ‘meme stock’ rally. Additionally, the SEC is investigating hedge fund Melvin Capital Management, which was heavily involved and affected by the ‘meme stock’ saga last year. 📉 11/08/2022 By "StockTwits"
Please take my advice as of a way of looking at the chart in a meaningful way but not as buying proposition you may get in disapointments if you do not check the information yourself. Thanks!! Lets start $ADN has been a volatile stock in the past days with a potential upside at the range price of $2.80 at my point of view as deep buy opportunity Cut losses if...
To keep a reference point of my process, I am gonna start to publish ideas for the one tickers that comes to my interest. I would be spelling my thoughts for informative uses ONLY. for all my publication so too. Take my point of view & matched it with yours.