
Azimut (AZM.mi) bearish scenario:

The technical figure Triangle can be found in the Italian company Azimut Holding (AZM.mi) at daily chart. Azimut Holding is an Italian asset management company, based in Milan, Italy, with branches in Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and the United States. Traded on the Borsa Italiana, the company is specialized in investment management aimed at private and institutional clients. The Triangle has broken through the support line on 26/01/2022, if the price holds below this level you can have a possible bearish price movement with a forecast for the next 44 days towards 21.500 EUR. Your stop loss order according to experts should be placed at 26.73 EUR if you decide to enter this position.

Italian asset manager Azimut Holding said its U.S. subsidiary had struck a deal to buy a minority stake in U.S. private credit investment manager Pathlight Capital. Under the deal, Azimut Alternative Capital Partners (ACCP) will buy a stake of around 20% in Pathlight and contribute “permanent capital to the business going forward”, the companies said in a joint statement, adding there would be no changes to Pathlight’s strategy or management as a result of the agreement.

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