
Looking at Possible Dead Cat Bounce Levels After TSLA Earnings

Depending on investor sentiment, I am expecting 3 possibilities, listed from most positive to least positive investor sentiment:

  • In Purple (most positive): Bounce to $196-$198 fib levels, decaying to $188-192 range.
  • In Yellow: Bounce to $192-$194 fib levels, decaying to $184-186 range.
  • In red (worst): Little to no bounce, very pessimistic view on stock, decaying straight to $180-182.

If we hit red, or maybe even yellow, we are looking at a rough 2024 (See my triple top and dip Idea.)
Update: DCB to 191.50$, dipped as low as $186.68. Attempted another bounce to $190, rejected, currently below last low.

Following along red line so far.
Bounced twice off of $186.15. Did we find a solid support? If we break 187.40, it's possible we did.
It looks like we are dipping for a third time to $186. It did not come any closer to $187.40, this is a crucial move: triple bottom then up? or reject the support.
It was fought hard but didn't hold. we may be looking at $185 next support. (Fib line 0.618)
Double bounce off the $185 fib line, looking poised to break pattern.
Broke pattern, currently out of my positions. I'll come back later in the day to regret the sale of my puts early.
Massive regret: It hit $180 within the hour that I stepped away. Oh well, made a profit. Not looking good for Tesla. Might, MIGHT, go back in if there is any significant bounce up but it isn't looking like it will.
Will do a post-market close analysis in a couple hours.
