Investing at the institutional level involves a sophisticated blend of strategies, risk management, and performance measurement to achieve optimal returns. One of the cornerstones of creating an institutional-grade portfolio is the use of optimization methods, with particular focus on ratios such as the Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio, and Omega Ratio. In this guide,...
Introduction: In the world of investing, managing risk is as crucial as seeking returns. Three vital tools for assessing risk-adjusted returns are the Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio, and Omega Ratio. In this post, we'll explore these ratios, their calculation, their unique features, and when to use them. 1. Sharpe Ratio: Balancing Risk and Return Measures...
Economists make forecasts to make weathermen look good. Trying to forecast trends in complex systems is never easy. As with weather, financial markets are influenced by a myriad of factors which can make prediction akin to gambling. Time in the market beats timing the market so a far safer bet is building a diversified and informed portfolio. As mentioned in our ...