Market SessionsThis script was inspired by Simple Market Session by tradergav.
I have improved and optimized it, making it compatible with Pine Script v6 and adding new features/enhancements.
All credit to the original author for the initial idea.
1. Purpose
The script highlights four major market sessions on your TradingView chart — Sydney, Tokyo, London, and New York. Each session is displayed as a colored background during its active hours.
2. How it Works
Default Times in UTC+1
The script starts with fixed session times (in UTC+1 time).
Adjusting to Your Timezone
You tell the script your own UTC offset. The script then shifts each session’s start/end time so they appear correctly in your local time on the chart.
**For example, if you set your timezone to UTC+3, the script calculates the difference from its default base (UTC+1), which is +2 hours, and shifts all the session times by that amount.
In simple terms:
You pick your local timezone offset, and the indicator automatically shows when each of the four major sessions is open in your local time on your TradingView chart. That’s it!
Open Interest (Multiple Exchanges for Crypto)On some cryptocurrencies and exchanges the OI data is nonexistent or deplorable. With this indicator you can see OI data from multiple exchanges (or just the best one) from USD,USDT, or USD+USDT pairs whether you are using a perpetuals chart or not.
Hope you all like it!
Tosch Market Sessions (US/GB/JP)Library "Tosch Market Sessions"
Returns if the NYSE, London SE, Tokyo SE are open
@function Returns if the NYSE (US), London SE (GB), Tokyo SE (JP) are open
bus, bgb, bjp - bool: true if the corresponding exchange is open
count - int: count of how many exchanges are open at the moment
ccolor - color: color that indicates the number of open exchanges
0 =>
1 =>
2 =>
3 => color.white
BABA 24/7 - Alibaba price chart all exchanges combinedThis script combines Alibaba stock price from NYSE, HKEX and XETRA (EU) exchanges into one chart. It handles currency and ADR conversions automatically and price is always shown in USD.
NOTE!! You must add the indicator in a chart that updates 24/7, such as EURUSD. If you use a chart that updates only during US session (such as BABA), HK/EU sessions will not be shown.
If you want to add indicators in the chart, hover your mouse over indicator title "BABA 24/7" in the upper left corner of the chart, select the rightmost button "..." that appears and then Add indicator/Strategy.
Forex Trading SessionsThere are a million Forex Trading Session indicators out there, but I couldn't find one with all of the following requirements:
1. Automatically show the Sessions that actually affect the current pair (for instance, Tokyo session doesn't matter when trading EURGBP)
2. Editable colors or at the very least no distracting colors
3. Editable times for each exchange session
4. Unique indication of the start of a session vs the end of a session. (Sometimes, I don't notice a background going from Navy Blue to Black)
This indicator has everything I could ever want in a Sessions Tool:
Subdued default colors
Editable colors
Editable session ranges
Obvious, but not obnoxious indication of start and stop
Automatically hide irrelevant Sessions
Cheers. EFX
Compare Forex ExchangesThis indicator allows you to overlay candles of a different exchange over the top of your primary exchange. For example, you might be curious how Oanda's prices compare to FXCM's in realtime.
You can see from the example that generally, the other exchanges swing a little further than FXCM (note this is the 1 minute chart for clarity).
You can use this if you are thinking to change exchanges (or concerned you are being stop hunted etc).
I was just curious to see the difference in real time during new events.
I don't need it anymore - I hope its useful to people
Compare CandlesShows the candles of a specified EXCHANGE:PAIR in an indicator without overlay.
Has the following advantages over the standard comparison in TradingView:
- The compared pair is below your main chart.
- You can see the price of the compared pair.
- You can add multiple compared pairs and all of them will be shown in their own space with their own price.
Aggregated Volume LTCBTCAggregates the LTC/BTC volume from multiple exchanges into a single indicator.
# Exchanges and Pairs
Included are only exchanges supported by TradingView:
* Binance
* Bitstamp
* Bittrex
* Coinbase
* Gemini
* Bitfinex
* Kraken
* Poloniex
* HitBTC
Many other top exchanges are not included, because they are not supported by TradingView.
# Inputs
By default the spot exchanges are selected. You can select also the other margin trading and derivatives exchanges.
# Contribute
Feel free to share any ideas and issues you have.
# Open Source
The code is open source @ and uses the commonpine library
Aggregated Volume LTC/FiatAggregates the LTC/Fiat volume from multiple exchanges into a single indicator.
# Exchanges and Pairs
Included are only exchanges supported by TradingView:
* Binance
* Bitstamp
* Bittrex
* Coinbase
* Gemini
* Bitfinex
* Kraken
* Poloniex
* HitBTC
Many other top exchanges are not included, because they are not supported by TradingView.
The pair LTC/BTC is not included.
# Inputs
By default the spot exchanges are selected. You can select also the other margin trading and derivatives exchanges.
# Contribute
Feel free to share any ideas and issues you have.
# Open Source
The code is open source @ and uses the commonpine library
Aggregated Volume ETHBTCAggregates the ETH/BTC volume from multiple exchanges into a single indicator.
# Exchanges and Pairs
Included are only exchanges supported by TradingView:
* Binance
* Bitstamp
* Bittrex
* Coinbase
* Gemini
* Bitfinex
* Kraken
* Poloniex
* HitBTC
Excluded low volume exchanges (not in CMC Top):
Many other top exchanges are not included, because they are not supported by TradingView.
# Inputs
By default the spot exchanges are selected. You can select also the other margin trading and derivatives exchanges.
# Contribute
Feel free to share any ideas and issues you have.
# Open Source
The code is open source @ and uses the commonpine library
Aggregated Volume ETHAggregates the ETH/fiat volume from multiple exchanges into a single indicator.
# Exchanges and Pairs
Included are only exchanges supported by TradingView:
* Binance
* Bitstamp
* Bittrex
* Coinbase
* Gemini
* itBit
* Bitfinex
* Kraken
* Poloniex
* BitMEX
Excluded low volume exchanges (not in CMC Top):
* CEX . IO
* Coinfloor
Excluded exchange due to volume calculation by TV:
* HitBTC
Many other top exchanges are not included, because they are not supported by TradingView.
# Inputs
By default the spot exchanges are selected. You can select also the other margin trading and derivatives exchanges.
# Contribute
Feel free to share any ideas and issues you have.
# Open Source
The code is open source @ and uses the commonpine library
Aggregated Volume BTCAggregates the Bitcoin volume from multiple exchanges into a single indicator.
# Exchanges and Pairs
Included are only exchanges supported by TradingView:
* Binance
* Bitstamp
* Bittrex
* Coinbase
* Gemini
* itBit
* Bitfinex
* Kraken
* Poloniex
* HitBTC
* OKCoin
* BitMEX
Excluded low volume exchanges (not in CMC Top):
* Coinfloor
Excluded low volume pairs (not in CMC Top):
Many other top exchanges are not included, because they are not supported by TradingView.
# Inputs
By default the spot exchanges are selected. You can select also the other margin trading and derivatives exchanges.
# Contribute
Feel free to share any ideas and issues you have.
# Open Source
The code is open source @ and uses the commonpine library
BTC Price Deviation % and Tether price (BPD) [cI8DH]This indicator shows Bitcoin price deviation from average of price across difference exchanges in percentage. As you can see, price at Bitfinex and Binance (both BTC/Tether pairs) are going up relative to BTC/USD pairs. This means Tether price is going down for some fishy reason(s). In the next
update, I will add Tether price calculation.
BTCUSD Combined VolumeThis script sums the volume for BTCUSD across several popular exchanges. I share it not so much as an indicator as a tool to use in other indicators (i.e. those that rely on volume, which often do not work very well for crypto due to the low volumes). Similar sums could easily be created for other currency, and with a little thought I could probably add the ability to parameterize the currency (e.g. type "BTCUSD" or "ETHBTC" or "LTCUSD" or whatever as an input).
I got the idea from seeing someone asking in chat whether it is possible to combine volumes across multiple exchanges, so kudos to oh92 and paaax for the neat idea.
Please feel free to incorporate this in your own indicators as you like...and of course if you're feeling generous, tips are appreciated. Thank you!
BTC World Volume (Multi-Exchange)Release: 2018-03-29
Bitcoin is listed on multiple exchanges. Many people have called for a single global index that would quote BTC volume across all exchanges: this script is such a virtual volume aggregate of the 17 largest fiat exchanges on TradingView (listed in the script comments, and in Format > Inputs for you to select). It includes USD, EUR, JPY, KRW and USDT sources.
It will, independently for each tick, quote the volume from all selected exchanges and display a stacked representation, freely inspired from CoinMarketCap charts; also a Moving Average. Each fiat/continent has its own general color, to be able to quickly glance at where volume is coming from, e.g. BitMEX or Asia. (colors are based on Google's Material Design).
By default:
Grey: BitMEX
Green: USD
Yellow: Tether (USDT)
Red: Asia (JPY, KRW)
Blue: Europe (EUR)
No more "on Coinbase this" or "on Bitstamp that", you've now got a global overview! It becomes easy to debunk a few common myths.
See CoinMarketCap for reference.
Note: Bitmex is not taken into account in CoinMarketCap (afaik) since it's trading a derivative asset (XBTUSD contracts), but it usually amounts to ~50% of the overall BTC volume in USD value. The 16 other exchanges quote their volume in BTC, and they represent 30~40% of the overall BTC volume. I believe the whole is good enough to smooth out exchanges variations, and get a fair representation of real-time activity.
Just add it to your chart, it will appear as a separate indicator. By default, it appears as stacked colored "areas". There is also a total volume Histogram, which is transparent by default: you can tweak that in Format > Style.
The darker and lighter backgrounds are respectively indicative of a downward price candle (open > close), or an upward price candle (close > open). They are unrelated to volume and simply help interpreting the indicator.
You can check/uncheck exchanges in the Format > Inputs tab to remove/add some of them from computation. All are enabled by default.
You can check/uncheck exchanges in the Format > Style tab to hide them (usually you would hide all or none).
You can edit colors and transpareny as well for each exchange.
You can edit "Volume histogram" transparency to have it show (it's a simpler representation than areas).
Moving Average: You can select the type (SMA, EMA, DEMA or TEMA) and length.
Please leave feedback below or pm me directly for bugs and suggestions.
Estimate exchange/broker fee commission from trade volumeThis script is used to estimate how much an exchange/broker makes off a particular pair/symbol. If Coinbase(GDAX) has a 0.25% taker fee and a 0.15% maker fee per trade and you estimate the average commission fee at 0.19% then you simple input that, and how many periods you'd like to know the total fee for (30 periods on the 1 day chart = last 30 days, 28 periods on 4 hour chart = last 7 days, etc).
This is for broad estimates of a single pair and only works well on exchanges that show only the volume on that exchange (stock markets may be less useful for this tool).
// percentage fee rate is entered as a percent: 3.5=3.5%, not 350%.
// pbtc , the one for calculating the USD value of fees that are in bitcoin, uses the price at time fees were realized. IE chart is on
// 1 day interval and XBARFEE is set at 4, then PBTC gives the USD value as if the exchange sold all btc at the end of each day for
// 4 days. i.e.:
// Day 1: BTCUSD= $5000 fees=1.5, Day 2: BTCUSD = $5000 fees=3.0, Day 3 BTCUSD = $10,000 fees=1.0, Day 4 BTCUSD = $20,000 fees=1.0
// PBTC would NOT show (1.5+ 3 + 1 + 1) = 6.5 * $20k = $130,000. It would do: (1.5*5000)+(3*5000)... = $52,500.
Simple Spread Simple spread between two tickers. Click format to set inputs for tickers. ex: "COINBASE:BTC:USD"
Bitcoin Exchanges PremiumThis is a % premium vs average BTCUSD price. In other words, how much % more are exchanges selling bitcoin at compared to normal BTCUSD price?
Blue: Korea
Red: Japan
Yellow: China
Green: USD Exchanges including Bitfinex, Poloniex, Coinbase, and Bitstamp
Bitcoin Japan and Korea PremiumRed line is the % premium to buy bitcoin in Japan. Blue is the % premium to buy bitcoin in korea.